In schools were you have a uniform it's easy to avoid but when schools Allow you to wear as you please as long as you follow dress code then there's uselly major issues.
We have to have elbow length sleeves our polos buttoned to the very top button dress khakis that aren't skin tight and high heels for the girls dress shoes for the guys hair must be a natural color and make up is kept to a minimum we are only allowed to wear rings and earrings no piercings are allowed to be visible all jackets must be zipped up or not worn at all and they have to be school sponsored. I go to a freaking public school in the middle of a ghetto
· 9 years ago
We didn't have uniforms in my school but even guys weren't allowed to wear tank tops or shorts, if anything the girls had more freedom
That bottom line there is what's wrong with this world. There are places where a 15 year old girl is up against a hell of a lot more than not being able to wear a tank top to school.
@daisy Same. I agreed with the post up until the last line. Yes, dress codes are stupid, but the whole rape culture thing is total bullsh*t, and while forbidding girls to show their shoulders is to some extent sexist, it's nothing compared to some especially Middle Eastern countries where actual rape culture is happening (like allowed rape in marriage because the woman is treated as property and so on). The term rape culture has nothing to do in western countries.
Really? it has nothing to do with the west? How about 11 year old girls being told they were "too seductive" in court for molestation and rape cases? Or the thousands of women reporting rape on college campuses being told they shouldn't have been drunk/ wearing what they were/alone? Or the recent famous MRA whose main stance was "rape should be legal on your own property" who has millions of followers in Australia and America. Women are treated as property in western culture daily. Just because its not as overt dosent mean its not there. Your idea of what constitutes a rape culture is incorrect and dismissive to all the hundreds of thousands of women who are living with their abuse and rape in silence because western culture demeans and devalues their word. Rape culture is alive and rampant in the west....don't delude yourself and dont deny others their voice.
@meowington please enlighten us and provide us with some sources. What you're saying really seems like made up cases. Also, what is the correct definition of rape culture, then? Our culture literally demonizes rape, it is viewed as one of the worst crimes. That sounds like the opposite of rape culture. How can you have a culture of a thing that is illegal?
Also, you present yourself as a speaker for rape victims. Have you ever actually encountered it (or have you just read a few tumblr posts)? Furthermore, what makes you think that those who oppose you (I'm speaking about your "us vs them" mentality) have not?
It really seems to me that I'm not the deluded one here.
As a teen I would have wanted to wear a tank top too, but the people who instituting these rules are not sexualizing 15 year olds. They want to protect them from becoming sexual objects. Let's be real, girls will wear short skirts and tank tops even when it is cold. It's because they look good. There is nothing wrong with that, but don't go screaming at the administration for sexualizing teenagers.
I agree with everything but the last line. Dress codes do not promote rape culture. Dress codes promote respect and the realization that you can't always do whatever you want or dress however you want.
In the school I went to, boys could not (and still can't) have long hair or wear earrings. Boys cannot wear shorts, but girls are allowed to wear skirts. Please stop claiming rape culture victimization every time a rule is enforced that prevents you from doing every single little thing you want. These rules are in place to instill discipline and respect It clearly has not taken.
There is almost nothing true on that entire rant. Females have much more freedom in their dress code than males do. Females are also generally the ones that constantly bend and break those rules. It has little, if anything, to do with sexual predation; it is about looking professional. Getting and keeping a good job is usually dependent upon looking professional, so get used to it and dress how you want on your own time.
Dress codes are just as restrictive for male and female students in Australia, the US is maybe different though cause your country is more than slightly fucked up.
I like how feminazis tell you to "do some basic research!!!1!!!" and how "you should know about it cause it's so obvious!!!" instead of actually providing you with sources. That's because all their sources either don't exist or are made up/heavily exaggerated tumblr posts.
it is obvious, maybe your just too obtuse to notice. Also i'm a calling me a feminazi you just prove how ignorant you are, how does it feel to be deliberately stupid?
Exactly. We're still waiting for that evidence you are failing to provide. Also, it is an unspoken rule of the internet that whoever first calls the other one stupid loses by default, because it is a blatant attack on the opponent instead of his opinions. PS: my IQ is 145, I wouldn't really call that stupid.
· 9 years ago
Meowington's ignorant ass was shut up again! How many times has that been today, I've lost count?!!
You think this is "shutting me up" you don't even know the meaning of the word burn. Love how MRAs are all about us providing evidence when its already out there. But I guess that's it, you don't want to make the effort to learn about something that isnt directly about you. Im not going to spoon feed you like the babies you are. How about you show me some evidence how rape culture isnt in western society. How about you take any news headline ...infact how about the recent issue with the captain of the Yale basketball team and prove to me how him raping a student then the university's cover up isnt a sign of rape culture in the west. How insecure do you have to be to post your IQ, you doknow an IQ test isnt indicative of intellect or how intelligent you are? Infact many people with poor interpersonal skills, underdeveloped intellectual and cognitive skills can have incredible high IQs...which is definitely on show by the way you "masterminds" have approached this post.
you know you can't prove that something doesn't happen right? its like asking someone to prove that they don't have a horse.
· 9 years ago
Moewington's the biggest "crybaby" I've come across lmao. Why don't you get off this website and go back to shoving Twinkies down your thoart, bitching about body acceptance because you're "big boned", writing on your Tumblr blog about how you were "raped" because a couple of "cis scum" disagreed with your factless opinion. If you're so desperate to live in a country that practices a rape culture then you should move to the middle east. Calling us "MRAs" hahaha CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!!
LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT. I was raped when I was, you guess it, 7 years old. Fricking seven! So don't you bloody dare call me ignorant, I know damn well what it is about. However, rape culture doesn't exist. What we're experiencing are individuals who aren't right in the head. Murders, thefts, robberies happen. Do we have a murder culture? No.
I know about what happened, and yes it is terrible, but this is one example. Things like that happen once in a decade, because usually people don't try to cover these things up cause they're terrible.
Insecure? Hah, you're making me laugh. It was you who called me/us stupid and ignorant, this was proof of the opposite. Proof, you know the word? Seems like you don't, really. How petty do you have to be to resort to petty insults, I can't even imagine. And how insecure of your own IQ to insult someone else's. My guess is that it's fairy below average, but mommy told you it doesn't mean you're dumb, just special.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Let me point out that a short 200 years ago, you'd be mating at age 15. So for other 15 year olds, you are definitely sexualized. It's human nature. The ultimate goal is reproduction and longevity of the species. Soooo yeah.
She's fucking fifteen. Maybe 400 years ago, it may of been okay, but this is 2016. We're not animals. Human nature is not some sort of instinctual drive.
Sex end starts at 4th grade. By the time a boy is 15 he's already masturbating. At that age all a boy thinks of is ass. Go through most teens browser history and you'll find enough evidense of this claim.
Actually they weren't "mating"(seriously mating??its not a fucking victorian Zoo) at 15. Girls were married young, around 12-14. They were not allowed to have a sex until their first period and even then it was frowned upon if she was younger that 16, the actual age most women got pregnant was around 18-19. Also these days we have a thing called consent and laws about sex with a minor....for a reason, sooooo yeah maybe check your facts before you spout bullshit like this.
· 9 years ago
I could say the same to you about fact-checking, ignorant guest.
Also, you present yourself as a speaker for rape victims. Have you ever actually encountered it (or have you just read a few tumblr posts)? Furthermore, what makes you think that those who oppose you (I'm speaking about your "us vs them" mentality) have not?
It really seems to me that I'm not the deluded one here.
I know about what happened, and yes it is terrible, but this is one example. Things like that happen once in a decade, because usually people don't try to cover these things up cause they're terrible.
Insecure? Hah, you're making me laugh. It was you who called me/us stupid and ignorant, this was proof of the opposite. Proof, you know the word? Seems like you don't, really. How petty do you have to be to resort to petty insults, I can't even imagine. And how insecure of your own IQ to insult someone else's. My guess is that it's fairy below average, but mommy told you it doesn't mean you're dumb, just special.