I have not 1, not 2, Hell not even 3, I have 5 BROTHERS. I lost a shirt I just got, it was awesome it had a glow in the dark female android gunslinger on it. Guess who had it my brother #1 it was a size medium the fat ass stretched it to an XL and stained it with chef boyardee ravioli all down the front, that shirt was a woman's cut it cost me 25 bucks did he pay for it nope he argued it was his. i got it back but trust me I never weared it in public.
Another time I noticed my cds where missing guess who had them brother number 4 he used them to listen to while he and his gf had sex ewww than the asshole gave them to her.
Brother 2 would take my black nail polish to touch up scratches on his motorcycle. Brother 4 again would still my eyeliner, brother 3 stole my teen magazines for you guessed it. Brother 5 stole my jewelry to give to gfs and my perfume, he also once took a pair of underwear to show his friends and said it was a girl's that he did it with he was in 7th grade
You have no idea the hell I had. I once walked into my bedroom to find ALL of my brothers trying on my bras and dancing to the Macarena. I once saw my youngest brother dancing in a pair of my high heels in mud because he liked how it squished. Brother 4 and 5 thought one day to have a torpedo war infront of company with my tampons. Next day you can guess it I got my period and had no fucking tampons. I wasn't kidding the list is like the never ending story childhood was not just hell it was war and i was a tiny army with only my mom and grandma as team mates it was 6 to 3 in my house.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Man, at least you have stories to tell. "When I was your age, tampons flew eeeeeverwhere"
Another time I noticed my cds where missing guess who had them brother number 4 he used them to listen to while he and his gf had sex ewww than the asshole gave them to her.
Brother 2 would take my black nail polish to touch up scratches on his motorcycle. Brother 4 again would still my eyeliner, brother 3 stole my teen magazines for you guessed it. Brother 5 stole my jewelry to give to gfs and my perfume, he also once took a pair of underwear to show his friends and said it was a girl's that he did it with he was in 7th grade