Well in America we have like 5 companies that own a monopoly over internet providers and also Bernie isn't a fucking communist because that's what this is implying *jazz hands*
*you are INFERRING he's a fucking communist.
The post is IMPLYING that communism prevents technological improvements by disincentivising or even forbidding research and development by any entity that is not controlled by the central government which is not capable of being experts at everything and which only succeeds in trapping it's citizens in a purgatorial existence of mediocrity and similitude and that free-market capitalism leads to a better existence for everyone and ultimately that old colonel Sanders is wrong in his implication that America would be better under socialism.
*jizz hands*
He is not a communist. I'm South African, we have a communist party that are partners with our democratic government (if you wanna know how that works, it doesn't) and bernie is in no way communism. Trust me.
· 8 years ago
If their is no monopolies try getting power from someone else in the US.
He isn't a communist, you're correct. He's just trying to spread marxism. Marxism is just shy of communism. Do some fucking research.
"Simply put, Marxism is a philosophy and communism is the ideal state achieved when Marxism is lived out. A Marxist is a person who embraces the philosophy of Karl Marx; a Communist is a person who applies Marx’s ideas to the government and the economy." summit (.) org/blogs/the-presidents-desk/whats-so-bad-about-communism/
Oh my @god, you're right! Communism and socialism are two sides of the same coin; kissing' cousins if you're from the South.
I usually try to explain communism and socialism like this, to make it simple:
Socialism is an idea that says everyone should be equal, so you take from those that have more and spread it around to those who have less until everyone has the same amount of nothing. Welfare; taking from the makers and giving to the takers. Marx himself said "from each according to his ability; to each according to his need." But just who gets to decide what you should give, or get?
Communism is a method of governance that springs from socialist ideology where the central government owns everything and there are no makers, only takers.
Well id like to mention that Bernie isn't a communist nor is he spreading communist ideologies, he is a democratic socialist, which is a mix of capitalism and socialism (yes that is possible). He wants a Scandinavian style system/Canadian system. He wants no where near the USSR or any of Marxist ideologies. Also the concept of socialism in its most recognized form was made my Karl Marx as the precursor to communism. But Bernie is so far from either of those its actually quite ridiculous he would be equated to them. That's not my opinion, that's just basic poly Sci terms.
townhall (.) com/columnists/johncgoodman/2016/02/13/bernie-sanders-is-not-a-social-democrat-hes-a-marxist-n2118509/page/full
I get that you have your opinion, but dude, the facts are there bro..
I try not to pay too much attention to any of these yahoos on either side, but I just heard a radio ad for Sanders the other day. He sounded like a socialist to me (the things he said as far as college tuition, Wall Street, etc).
I will give him credit though; he stuck to saying what he wanted to do as president and did not attack Hillary or any of the Republicans. He was on point and professional and didn't even mention anyone's hand or penis size. I wish the Republicans would take a page from Bernie's book.
The post is IMPLYING that communism prevents technological improvements by disincentivising or even forbidding research and development by any entity that is not controlled by the central government which is not capable of being experts at everything and which only succeeds in trapping it's citizens in a purgatorial existence of mediocrity and similitude and that free-market capitalism leads to a better existence for everyone and ultimately that old colonel Sanders is wrong in his implication that America would be better under socialism.
*jizz hands*
"Simply put, Marxism is a philosophy and communism is the ideal state achieved when Marxism is lived out. A Marxist is a person who embraces the philosophy of Karl Marx; a Communist is a person who applies Marx’s ideas to the government and the economy." summit (.) org/blogs/the-presidents-desk/whats-so-bad-about-communism/
I usually try to explain communism and socialism like this, to make it simple:
Socialism is an idea that says everyone should be equal, so you take from those that have more and spread it around to those who have less until everyone has the same amount of nothing. Welfare; taking from the makers and giving to the takers. Marx himself said "from each according to his ability; to each according to his need." But just who gets to decide what you should give, or get?
I get that you have your opinion, but dude, the facts are there bro..
Dude, he says he is and has said so since the sixties.
Maybe you should tell him he's confused.
I will give him credit though; he stuck to saying what he wanted to do as president and did not attack Hillary or any of the Republicans. He was on point and professional and didn't even mention anyone's hand or penis size. I wish the Republicans would take a page from Bernie's book.