its based on observations made with limited senses; and as illustrated by particles being observed as either a wave of a point based on what the observer was expecting to see, it's clear that our sense cannot be trusted
The reason that are senses cannot be trusted is due to hallucinations, etc...
But the wave/particle duality has nothing to do with the researcher. If an electron is observed, it is a particle. If not, it is a wave.
But you're saying that we rely on our five senses to reach a conclusion (it's what I'm assuming) which is a really "caveman" way of seeing it (at least in my opinion)... There's tools to gather data as science evolves which resolves the issue of ignorance..
And guess what in scientific communities the word theory means it has empirical (sorry if I spelt that wrong) evidence behind it, testing, and observation. The only difference between a theory and a law in science is one is mathematically provable and seen with empirical evidence, and was probably written by Newton, and the other just has empirical evidence. And hypothesis is the scientific equivalent of the more common use of theory.
My entire family say they are christian, and the only atheist i know is my brother, Smoak, and we'll have serious conversations on why christianity is bullshit. Mostly pointing out the paradoxes in the Bible and the double standards of the whole thing. And pointing out that their is no historical evidence outside of the bible speaking of Jesus and not even the Romans, who documented almost everything of the time, never mentioned Jesus at all that we've discovered. My favorite is looking at the things they couldn't have known. Such as prehistoric animals mainly dinosaurs. The Bible doesn't mention them because they did not know they existed at the time therefore whoever wrote the Bible couldn't have added them to God's 'Creation' of everything. You cant write what you dont know so they didn't. Whenever someone tries to say well its in the 'Holy' Book I tell them, Harry potter is in a book, but you dont see Harry flippin potter bringing me my invitation to hogwarts.
Just to clarify evolution in a theory in the same way that if you see someone blow smoke out of their mouth and you see them with a cigarette in their hand, you can assuming they are smoking... The evidence in overwhelming and can even be tested on very small scale.
Darwin wrote that it was a theory, and it's never been proven. "Lucy" was a human skeleton with a chimp skull. It was a mistake. Since then there's been nothing to prove evolution occurred on a mass scale. Micro evolution occurs, adaptations occur, but evolution in general has not been proven to occur. I'm not saying it didn't happen, i'm just saying there has never been any evidence to support it has
Lol Jenson we commented at the same time. But science is more than evolution. It is the study of the known and unknown. But evolution has been proven and is essential to life. And all evolutions were micro evolutions small changes over long long long periods of time once thousands upon thousands of years it simply cannot be shown to someone yet.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Lemme explain why I personally do not trust science as much as every freakin asswipe on the internet does. It constantly proves ITSELF wrong. Lemme explain, is that to say that it contradicts itself. No, not necassarily, just that new data is found and always replaces the old data which finds that the old data was in fact false. NASA just released a statement saying they have found the biggest thing in the universe called BOSS, like how can you even make that statement? We can't even figure out why other things happen in space but we're so confident that we've found the buggest thing in the universe? That's outrageous. Science always finds a way to prove the previous discovories false, always. Until we've reached the maximum of scientific knowledge COMPLETELY, do not trust science as fact forever.
It is unlikely that we will reach maximum scientific knowledge anytime soon, however, there are many things in science that have been proven completely true, and many that have an enormous amount of evidence to back them up...I myself enjoy science and the way we can use it to explain may things around us and why they happen using our knowledge and evidence
Almost everything we use today is based on science. Yes science is wrong at times, but it's science that' proves is wrong. It's constantly evolving. the fact that a device based on science is being used to say that scinece is false is just mind blowing
But the wave/particle duality has nothing to do with the researcher. If an electron is observed, it is a particle. If not, it is a wave.