FUCK NO! Green olives belong in the 9th circle of hell. That shit is fucking nasty.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
It's possible that I have ordered a martini at some point in my life. A cloud of alcohol blissfully dulls my recollection. But the taste of vermoth I know. Stay with the whiskey, young ones.
Well I mean a Martini is usually 2-3 ounces of 40-50% alcohol making it a fairly strong drink. Drinking a martini and drinking whiskey is comparing apples & oranges. Both are favourites of well seasoned drinkers.
· 9 years ago
I don't want to chicken out, but I can hardly claim to be a seasoned drinker (not the least, because as you point out, I have no clear memory of ever actually having drunk a martini). If I were to try to coat what is probably my coarseness into a half way socially acceptable way of behaving, I would call myself a purist. I actually like drinking gin, for example. And I like whiskey the best. It may be the placebo effect working its magic, but I truly experience that single malt whiskey taste different from blended (and each other). During 2015 I drank 2 bottles of Whiskey, they were both Talisker, the most smokey (and distinct) ,whiskey there is.