I call it my ideas for fanfiction. I also have another titled, and I quote, "stupidshittorantaboutwhensmoakgetsbackfromwhereeverhewentonthe27thofdecember" It's been called that for over 7 months and I'm not changing it.
Basically, when my brother would get back from work, I'd rant about stuff I wondered about that day. Eventually, he went to Colorado for a week or two and I needed to rant about it somewhere so I put it in that .txt file. He's moved out now and he calls it my diary of stupidity.
one page that says 'in this world, it's kill or be killed"
Basically, when my brother would get back from work, I'd rant about stuff I wondered about that day. Eventually, he went to Colorado for a week or two and I needed to rant about it somewhere so I put it in that .txt file. He's moved out now and he calls it my diary of stupidity.