Funny but most female objectification stems from: women who choose to star in ads where they basically wear nothing, so as to entice the customer through sex appeal, girls who wear almost nothing to places like school, just to look more 'hot' or 'sexy', female completed who wear a red bikini and say 'im iron man', and even more. Female objectification only exists because women allow it to. Think about it. If women refused movie roles in which their character was mostly naked the whole time, where the camera focused more on her breasts and ass than her face, and if women stopped modeling almost nude for a Burger King ad, and if women stopped allowing the beauty industry to tell them and their daughters that their value as a human being correlated directly with their looks, then we'd have more equality. If, like men, women focused more on what they could do or create, rather than how they could look better or be more appealing, equality would be achieved instantly.
Women actually need to stop treating themselves like a commodity to be used. Like, I know there will be a shit ton of people who disagree with this, but can you really look at the beauty industry, which has convinced women to sexualize themselves more and more in order to become more 'valuable' as a person, and say that it can't be stopped by women just NOT FALLING for that bullshit? If women just realized that 'hey, I'm NOT an object's, and my looks and beauty don't define my potential and worth as a human being who can contribute to society as something OTHER than eye-candy' and stopped trying to focus on looks and beauty, Wed have a drastic decrease in the sexualization of women, and from there help the world view women as true equals.
The current modern dynamic is that the women dresses up nice and looks all pretty, which serves to please the men (some people say they do it for themselves, but that's what the beauty industry brainwashed them to think) which creates a females serving males society. So we need to fucking stop. The choice is simple: either you pick short shorts, mini skirts, crop tops, and thong bikinis, or you pick self confidence and value as someone who is MORE than eye candy.
I get your point and agree but there are a lot of women who actually enjoy dressing like that. They haven't been brainwashed. Every woman is different and dresses differently. If a woman loves her body and express that through her clothes, I don't find that wrong.
I understand your point, but the brainwash thing was just a crude way to get my point across. What I meant was that society kind of grooms women to focus on their looks and bodies more than it does to men. I know there are a lot of guys who walk around shirtless to show off their muscles, but hear me out. Recently there was a woman who was claiming that corporate air conditioning was sexist, because it was too cold for women in the workplace. What wasn't mentioned was that the men wore suits, so the only visible skin was on the face and hands. The women, on the other hand, wore various 'fashionablr' clothes, featuring short skirts and low cuz collars. From this small example, it can be seen that the females, even in a completely non-sexual environment, in fact, in an environment where sexuality is discouraged, women still wore revealing clothes designed to give the wearer more sex appeal. This was despite the fact that wearing such clothes made them cold and uncomfortable.
This phenomenon is also seen at my school, where, even in rainy and windy conditions, girls wear a ridiculous combination of raincoat/sweater and booty shorts. I can clearly see them shiver, but they still put sexual appeal over comfort and health in their priority list. This, I think, nullifies the 'it makes them feel good' claim, because it clearly leads to them feeling physically uncomfortable, and in the worker's case, even blaming the air-conditioning for being sexist.
Yes averngerrox1, but the thing is, wearing lots of skin-revealing clothes doesn't help at all. And I also read so where that due to women's blood circulating less efficiently (and thus making them more likely to feel cold) they are actually more likely to survive a super cold situation than a man. I forgot where I read it, but aparently a woman would survive longer in Antarctica than a man.
Of course, it's still sexualized. But at least it's a valid cosplay. THAT IS ALL, CARRY ON!