We don't know that. And I don't care if I'm in a delivery room and a baby is crowning, unless a woman looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm pregnant," I act like she's not.
Nope. I would watching feet coming out, and doctors screaming the baby is breech and until the woman who is birthing the baby says, "I'm pregnant. This is my baby." I'm ignoring the dangling feet from her vagina.
It's called breech (feet first) and it doesn't always mean the baby will be deformed or die. It's not ideal, and it poses a risk, but a death sentence. Also, it was a joke. The point is, you never ask or assume a woman is pregnant. However, if the girl in the pic is pregnant it would explain why she prefers not to be 5 feet in the air. But then again, she may just not like heights, or the guy could have brittle bone disease and be like, "I like my women like I like my roads. Curvy and dangerous." Who knows.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Talking About some penis bone.
You completed me
I could make a dirty joke from that