World hunger should not be ended!? There are better ways to control the population then innocent children starving to death. Not to mention, with modern medicine and technology, nature has little to do with population growth any more.
- Platypus is right. You make this grand judgement with a full stomach.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Right, I eat everyday so what ? I doesn't change anything. As for medecine, I think diseases like sida or any mortal diseas with no medication should not be cured. It is a well know fact that earth is way over populated.
No more world hunger/no more disease = a lot more children/people = more crimes = more polution = less food and eventually world hunger again, so what's the point ?
I'm sorry if my thought of sacrifying the lesser for the bigger is somewyat shocking to some but it's just how I feel
So starving children is the lesser? Beside starvation is not keeping our population in check. If you improve conditions, people farm smarter (preventing the destruction of land, have fewer children (access to education and birth control), and improve infrastructure (now food rots while people starve) you can feed people, reduce waste and save the environment.
· 8 years ago
They are a waste of time and money. And yes it is, as war, human/nature disaster is.
And explain me something please, you say "improve conditions", ok, no more world hunger/sickness that means the people who live in poor area must now live in houses, have a job and such to improve condition right ? Now tell me how do you save environment when you have to build in the lasts wild places ?
And you know damn well how the human nature is, even if we have birth control as you say, you can't control/oblige the use of it, you can't control how people will use those lands
Right, so, if you want actual ideas on how to end rampant population growth: education and contraception. Keeping people economically poor forces them to have more children so they can work and earn money for the family. Educating people allows them opportunities to look beyond the place they currently are, while poverty narrowly focuses your efforts on the here and now. Education as a pathway out of poverty is a tried and true method that works wonders.
Yukinimo, when you get a mortal disease please don't seak medicine just man the fuck up and die , I hope your doctor looks you in the eye and says ,well the world is overpopulated sorry ,,
Unpopular answer: Yes. Because animals are better than people, and I would rather have a passive role in the suffering of people than take an active role in the suffering of animals
i was thinking he could shell out his life savings and die in africa, by some wild lions
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
@undercover4 I'm sorry you think I'm so stupid, and I'm incredibly sorry that the best argument you can come up with is insulting and attacking me personally instead of my argument. Let me explain why I wouldn't kick the pony: Humanity causes its own suffering. I'm not saying that those poor starving people chose to be poor and starving. But we neglect and abuse each other, and if humanity was better at taking care of its own people wouldn't be starving to death. The way I see it, instead of inflicting suffering on other species we should just fucking take care of our own. And, we're killing the world. We're destroying nature with our over-population, we kill each other and every other living thing in brutal ways. I don't see why the animals that are better than us deserve to be mistreated for our benefit when we're destroying everything. We don't deserve that, we haven't earned the right.
· 8 years ago
What we should do instead of continually abusing and neglecting our fellow man and inflicting suffering on animals is look to those who have excess, and give to those who are lacking. Take care of our fellowman instead of bitching and proposing these ridiculous scenarios that don't do jack shit to actually solve anything.
Okay. But, even though animals are better than us, as you say, there are thousands upon thousands of INNOCENT human beings who are starving. If you won't do anything to help anyone and let innocents suffer, then what makes you any better? This is a scenario that would have so many benefits, all for the few minutes of pain for a horse. Yes, that horse wouldn't deserved it, but whose to say you can't treat that horse wonderfully afterwords? Celebrate the end of world hunger? And this is a scenario that actually WONT HAPPEN, so your making such a huge deal on animal abuse that won't come about. As well, people make up these scenarios because they are bored. Have you ever heard of boredom? Oh that's right, because you supposedly do shit to help people too. I bet you just sit on your ass on this website, so why bother telling people to do shit when you probably aren't doing shit yourself?
Whoa whoa look @thoes who have excess' and give to those who are lacking you left a key word to "take" from the ones with excess' why should you penalize the ones who have obviously made good decisions and now have an excess' and give to the ones who don't have anything who have obviously made bad decisions you have suggested a ridiculous scenario that doesn't do jackshit to actually solve anything' you could kick the horse in the face as hard as you could and it still probably wouldn't hurt the animal they are very tough creatures' so in one kick you could in this world hunger ' but you suggest stealing from one to give to another SMH ....guest nailed you spot the fuck on
what are you saying here, platypus?
- Platypus is right. You make this grand judgement with a full stomach.
No more world hunger/no more disease = a lot more children/people = more crimes = more polution = less food and eventually world hunger again, so what's the point ?
I'm sorry if my thought of sacrifying the lesser for the bigger is somewyat shocking to some but it's just how I feel
And explain me something please, you say "improve conditions", ok, no more world hunger/sickness that means the people who live in poor area must now live in houses, have a job and such to improve condition right ? Now tell me how do you save environment when you have to build in the lasts wild places ?
And you know damn well how the human nature is, even if we have birth control as you say, you can't control/oblige the use of it, you can't control how people will use those lands