Dumping off a dog..... Instead of getting it adopted? Sending it to a shelter? No matter how dire the circumstances, there's always enough time to find your dog a good home or a safe alternative. Whether you bring them to a rescue group, beg a friend to take them, send them to a no kill shelter... A beautiful dog like that would have absolutely no problem getting a home. Shame on them for dumping him.
We have always refused to live anywhere that wouldn't allow pets. Our dogs and cats are like our children, and we'd live in our car before dumping any of them.
· 8 years ago
*Cries uncontrollably* *takes pooch**gives it lots of cuddles and kisses*
They couldn't have given him to a friend or something? Started a craiglist ad? Put him in a local shelter? No? They just DROPPED HIM OFF?! I hope that dog finds his former owners and tears them to shreds. It's less than they deserve.
We had to give away a dog. He bit and drew blood a few times,the final straw was the third trainer telling us he could train him but it'd take months and a lot of money. Other trainers told us he'd get worse, he seemed to be holding back when he bite. We found someone to take him. He was a very cute dog: small, white, with fox like ears and tail. She'd liked the look of him and said her mom really wanted a cute small dog. We gave her all the paperwork, phone numbers, and emails between different trainers. The shelter that matched her with us told her that if she couldn't handle it,to call them and they'd take him back or help her with training for free. We told her his complete history, what sets him off, what body language to look out for, and tips trainer told us. For 2 hours. A month later we get a email from a shelter who picked him up off the side of a road. I texted her and she says she moved and her apt didn't allow dogs. Fucking garbage humans.
Ok that's one thing that I would never tolerate. We always agreed that our pets were like family, but we also agreed that if any of our dogs ever became aggressive we would put them down. None of our dogs ever bit anyone, but I tested them often for any signs of aggressiveness, especially food aggression. Btw we've always had large breeds that could really cause problems if they became aggressive.
· 8 years ago
As horrible as it is I do have to semi agree with this. Only put them down if they get really aggressive. If they're not too aggressive just muzzle them?
We were not willing to take any chances. A dog that will bite, especially a large dog, could well turn on its master. But even if it never did, what about visitors? What about neighborhood children if the dog ever got loose? What about our other pets? Keeping a dog muzzled 24/7 would be quite difficult, not to mention inhumane. We treated our pets like our children, but always realized they are not.
He was 7 months old we couldn't put him down. Plus suggestions from trainers were mixed, only one lightly suggested we put him down. He's told others to definitely put their dogs down but he was on the fence with ours. He mostly bit us but while he was at a 3 week training camp he bit the trainers there, but when we picked him up the ones he bit kinda wanted to take him off our hands. His small size and cuteness is probably what is keeping him alive right now. From what we can tell, hes now at his 4th shelter.
this is really sad. plus the breed. do they even understand what could have happened had the wrong people took him?? omg the stupidity of these people is making my blood boil. i really hope he is ok
And if not possible then get some of those heavy leather pads that falconers and police-dog-trainers use.
Dad: let's leave him at Golden Corral