This shit's not fair! I went through a HORRIBLE stage of makeup in my teenage years. Like just the crap foundation and all that jazz. My kid's not allowed to enter Sephora til she can pay that shit on her own, which won't be til like 25 lololol
Lets get something clear here:
If the creepy old guy forces her, it doesn't matter what she looks like, its not her fault.
If she agreed or was the seducer, yes its her fault, at least equally.
My question is, who lets their kid leave the house looking like that, assuming that her parents are aware?
· 8 years ago
That's because when men go out looking like that they look like twats XD
If I ever had a daughter I'd NEVER let her wear that much makeup INSIDE the house let alone OUTSIDE! I wouldn't want her to be approached by some creepy bloke or woman truing it on with them because they look older.
Honestly though, they don't even need makeup. I was getting approached by grown ass men at 14 because I was...developed, regardless of the fact I still don't know how to draw that conturing magic crap. But yes, a kid that young has no business wearing make up anywhere. Also, who pays for that stuff, its expensive as hell
· 8 years ago
They don't! I'm sorry you went through that hun :( I wasn't allowed to wear makeup until I was 15! Even then it was only foundation, mascara and a bit of eyeliner (although I was going through an emo phase and tended to go overboard with the eyeliner) and my mum taught me how to use it all properly.
Idk either! I only used to get £2 a week pocket money from my dad and that was it! Idk how they're getting all this money, stealing their parents credit card I guess.
Um, no. It would not be her fault, even if she "seduced" him. She is a literal CHILD. That creepy guy is an adult. It's his responsibility to shut down the situation. If he doesn't do that, he is to blame.
@calmthelovelytits, the only reason I say that is because I know a girl who at 14 seduced a 22 year old and convinced him to run away with her to Mexico (he thought she was 18) They were stopped at the border and it came out she was pregnant. Her parents even knew it was her doing and the guys had been duped but he still got convicted and is still serving 25 YEARS and isn't allowed to see his daughter because his conviction was with a minor.
Now, if she were in fact 9 as the post says, thats just....really wrong. Guys really need to stop and think with their top brain and verify a girls age before jumping into bed
· 8 years ago
@calmthelovelytits Yeah but not solely. They'd both be equally guilty. Think about it: young girls want to be grown up, a LOT of them lie about they're ages (usually so they can get a Facebook account or similar). Young girls do have the ability to seduce older men, it happened a few months ago in the news. This man met these two girls on a Sugar Daddy website, paid for their train fare and their "services". Later on after the girl's were found out by their parents what happened they cried rape. The man was arrested for seducing and sexually assaulting two minors. It then surfaced that they had lied about their ages (they were both 15 I think) and he didn't know it, the poor bastard. In the end he was found innocent because the girl's had LIED.
Jesus, haven't you ever read Lolita?
Why does everybody automatically use the creepy old guy excuse pull your head out of your asses you dumb bitches I'm pretty sure there is a 13 or 14 year old male that would stick it , I think the toxic chemicals that are in the makeup that y'all have been using since a young age has caused severe brain damage
@peachypersimmon, reread the book. Humbert only moved in with, and then married Charlotte to be near Dolores who reminded him of Annabelle. Also remember the time he liked to spend in the park, watching the little girls; his "nymphets."
Lolita was precocious and oversexed and wasn't exactly forced, but Humbert wasn't seduced.
In other news, I have a crazy aunt who believes that girls are developing faster today than they used to because of all the growth hormones in beef. Of course, she also thinks she's allergic to florescent lighting and won't go to a store unless she can't avoid it.
On the other hand, no real studies have been released on the effects of all these chemicals and GMOs, and the USDA is as corrupted with corporate money as any other agency. If you do a little research you'll find that Monsanto is the largest chemical company in the world, and are into absolutely everything. They ARE The Umbrella Corporation. Maybe these hormones and GMOs are accelerating development and social media and smartphones are breeding docile and obedient humans to serve as slaves for the New World Order?
· 8 years ago
@guestwho I've read and reread the book over three times. Yes, he marries Charlotte to stay close to Little Lo, even plans to murder her at Hourglass Lake. I know that. But Dolores initiates the sexual relationship between them. Obviously Humbert isn't innocent in this whole thing, but neither is she. She knows what she's doing. If you have read the book (I'm assuming you have) you'll remember that she develops a crush on Humbert because he looks like a film star she likes. She also initiates an affair with Clare Quilty (who in some ways is worse than Humbert) and ends up running away with him. Later on, years later, when she contacts Humbert for money she tells him she never loved him but she did love Quilty. That's why he murders him. She was overly flirtatious, prone to be overly dramatic and naive. Not unlike many girls today.
All true. Just saying he kinda had a predilection towards pedophilia to begin with. She was absolutely not innocent. And yes she was a lot like a lot of tweens and teens today. There were always girls who "grew up" faster than their classmates, it just seems like it's happening more often but we're probably just paying more attention. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
· 8 years ago
Well yes that's the main running theme of it. More hebephilia than paedophilia though.
It's one of those books that seems to stay relevant to the times.
Damn. I'm a former corrections officer and police officer, and a current psychology student and I had to Google hebephilia. Regardless ol' Humbert had his demons and I can see where an argument could be made the Lo actually took advantage of HIM.
· 8 years ago
What's it like doing a Psychology degree? I've always wanted to study Criminal Psychology.
Have you seen the film (1997)? It's really good, much closer to the novel than the original film from the 60s.
No haven't seen either film.
Psych is cool. I'm having trouble keeping this guy's theories and that guy's theories straight since most are pretty close, but I'm liking it. I'm also doing sociology; almost the same and only a couple additional classes. Just transferred from a two year to a four year school and haven't picked a concentration yet. With my law enforcement background criminology and criminal psych interest me, of course; I just haven't decided.
· 8 years ago
You should definitely watch the 1997 one (the one from the 60s got better reviews but was heavily censored and changed).
It sounds really cool! Well I hope it all goes well! :)
If the creepy old guy forces her, it doesn't matter what she looks like, its not her fault.
If she agreed or was the seducer, yes its her fault, at least equally.
If I ever had a daughter I'd NEVER let her wear that much makeup INSIDE the house let alone OUTSIDE! I wouldn't want her to be approached by some creepy bloke or woman truing it on with them because they look older.
Idk either! I only used to get £2 a week pocket money from my dad and that was it! Idk how they're getting all this money, stealing their parents credit card I guess.
Jesus, haven't you ever read Lolita?
That's sarcasm.
Lolita was precocious and oversexed and wasn't exactly forced, but Humbert wasn't seduced.
On the other hand, no real studies have been released on the effects of all these chemicals and GMOs, and the USDA is as corrupted with corporate money as any other agency. If you do a little research you'll find that Monsanto is the largest chemical company in the world, and are into absolutely everything. They ARE The Umbrella Corporation. Maybe these hormones and GMOs are accelerating development and social media and smartphones are breeding docile and obedient humans to serve as slaves for the New World Order?
It's one of those books that seems to stay relevant to the times.
Have you seen the film (1997)? It's really good, much closer to the novel than the original film from the 60s.
Psych is cool. I'm having trouble keeping this guy's theories and that guy's theories straight since most are pretty close, but I'm liking it. I'm also doing sociology; almost the same and only a couple additional classes. Just transferred from a two year to a four year school and haven't picked a concentration yet. With my law enforcement background criminology and criminal psych interest me, of course; I just haven't decided.
It sounds really cool! Well I hope it all goes well! :)