Joseph prince is a false pastor, he preaches from outside (and conflicting with) the bible. And prosperity is actually found in the bible, nothing false about his gospel (from a christian belief perspective).
· 8 years ago
Can you verify how the prosperity gospel is Biblical?
Not every church is a megachurch. Many barely keep themselves in the black, and most pastors live very modest lives. If you tax those churches, they will go under.
Yup. Our local church is desperate for money as well but they still do shit tons of charity work and stuff. And all the priests live in the same modest house across the street. They'd be fucked if they had to deal with taxes. Some of the huge excessively fancy churches are ridiculous though and at a certain point I think kindve go against what the Bible teaches
The reason churches don't pay taxes is because they are legally non profit orgabizations because they don't charge for their services. This particular pastor Joel Osteen donated most of his church's money to charity but his personal account is made off the books he writes