Then maybe.. Just maybe the problem isn't gun control. Maybe it has more to do with the lack of respect people have for others of differing views and opinions, and lack of willingness to understand and respect people for being different. Everyone wants the same things in life, just have different ideas on the best way to achieve those things.
Music is misinformed. Every state has changed its firearms regulations within the past 10 years. If you think the incidence of violent crime committed with a firearm is worse now than it was 50 years ago you have to realize that society's lack of respect for anybody else is largely to blame. Firearms are harder to purchase than they were 50 years ago, firearm technology is about the same as it was 50 years ago, a larger percentage of the population held firearms 50 years ago. What changed.
Its not about how many people own firearms, or the technology. It is very easy for someone to purchase a firearm. One of the leaders of ISIS has even spoken about it. purchasing guns through a gun show or online theres no background check. As well as legislation which was supposed to help prevent these events like a law Obama proposed to not allow anyone who has visited terrorist related websites to be able to buy a gun. That by the way, thanks to the NRA lobbies, was not passed in congress. There are many different changes in the ecosystem since 50 years ago.
You could buy firearms in the 50s at any auto parts store, hardware store, Sears and other department stores without background checks. And now we want to take away rights based on websites visited. What about due process? What about innocent until proven guilty? Do you want to get rickrolled to a jihadist site and because of an algorithm in DC start losing rights? Do you want random door to door searches of people who said something inflammatory? The NRA is not some faceless giant. Millions of us are members that trust them to ensure that knee jerk nanny statists like you don't take our rights without due process.
Posting on social media about how things will never change is the height of useless apathy. Do research on gun laws and discuss what you found. You can write your state representatives. You can contact Chris Murphy and tell him you support his work. If we accept that things will never change, they will never change.
Lemme guess...the anti-gun bit was sandwiched between him doing impressions of Trump and Saying things that are funny to Trump-haters but stupid to,the average person.
Doing nothing? The Orlando school now requires clear backpacks and the wearing of IDs, which could have helped with what happened had those measures been in place. Those measures aren't whatDavod Hogg and the rest *wanted*, but confiscating and destroying all firearms is not going to happen.
'Cept homophobia is not solely a problem with Islam. It's a problem with Christianity and several other religions. It's even a problem with the nonreligious. If he is homophobic because of Islam, it would be a misconstrued belief that he cherry picked from many, seeing that he decided to commit murder and suicide on Ramadan.
Oh yeah, I remember reading when a Muslim, a Christian, and an atheist walked into a gay bar and shot it up... oh wait. Only one of those ever happens. Don't be daft kurukuguy
Need I mention that this was actually legal? And that gay conversion therapy is still a thing in some states? Not to mention all the gays that were refused treatment when the AIDS outbreak occurred. I can't even cite all the individual cases of violence. A mass shooting like this doesn't occur too often, but it's just the cherry on top of a very large sundae of hatred.
Oh, now you wanna blame religions? Evil people doesn't have anything to do with their religions. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Cuz there are kind people regardless of where they are from, what tribe they are, what their genders are, what their religions are... It's sad that Islam people are taken as bad guys, I mean, they're victims!! While some of their people despise ISIS, they are hated by the community because ISIS is using Islam's name to cover their actions. You shouldn't judge people and group them w/o understanding them completely
I mean, you'd also be pissed off if some brats from your school suddenly caused an uproar (eg. Beats n bullies nerds in sch) then news spread and when someone knows you're frm the same school they started saying bad things behind your back and keep distance.
Indeed. By discriminating against muslims, you play into ISIS's hands. I certainly don't remember there being a Muslim extremist at Sandy Hook, Columbine, or any other of the many school shootings or massacres.
What dont you people understand? Yes ISIS is the radical form of Islam, but even moderate Muslims believe in what the Quran says. And the Quran says homosexuals deserve to die. Homosexuals are punished by death in 10 Islamic countries. Moderate Muslims in Europe and America agree with these rules. Islam is the problem and until you people understand that, there will be more attacks. Go ahead and ban as many guns as you want they will find another way to attack us. Just like in Europe they commit mass rapes and riot in the streets. Yes there are some Muslims who do not believe in the Quran but these are a small sliver even among those born in the west. Islam has not had a reformation unlike Christianity and the majority of Muslims take every word of the Quran at heart, including the death of homosexuals.
Need I mention that this was actually legal? And that gay conversion therapy is still a thing in some states? Not to mention all the gays that were refused treatment when the AIDS outbreak occurred. I can't even cite all the individual cases of violence. A mass shooting like this doesn't occur too often, but it's just the cherry on top of a very large sundae of hatred.