I honestly love the man, but idk if its something he could handle. Then again if thay flappy sack of orange skin thinks he can handle it..then maybe the rock can too.
Probably not, but Ronald Reagan was a b-list actor before going into politics. I know I said not to support him, but it's not because he has no political experience. Besides, how can one ever have enough experience to become the leader of the "free" world? It is a very singular profession.
· 8 years ago
I wonder how strongly he holds on to his beliefs, whether he is grounded in them or still finding answers. He's part of the celebrity world, probably more liberal.
No, you can pray for Pulse and still believe gay marriage is wrong. From what I understand, most Christians don't think gay people are bad people, but the Bible says marriage is between a man and a woman, and they see gay marriage as being against God. Even thpugh the Bible also says "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" which means to follow the Earthly laws before God's, He will not judge you for it... Or something like that.
It's supporting the same ideas which inspired the shooting. I mean, you can be a member of the KKK and still feel bad when a whole black family is massacred, but to continue to be racist would be like a disservice to them. This is how it is. Especially when these politicians are the same ones who keep attempting to pass these "religious freedom" laws which are nothing but a loophole to allow for more discrimination against those who are gay or trans.
Well, a true Klansman, would never be sad that a black family was massacred, first of all. Second of all, are you comparing the 'God hates fags' crowd, that just wants them to stay in the closet, or that are just mildly disgusted by their lifestyle (which is their right, by the way. A person has every right to disapprove of somebody's lifestyle, but as long as they aren't hurting anybody, they have every right to live however they want.) to the Muslims that believe gays should be killed?(and again, I am not referring to all Muslims. Just the ones that believe gays should be killed.)
Remember the little clause in the Bible that says "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's"? Jesus was a big proponent of separation of Church and State. When tyour soul is on Earth, you are to obey Earthly laws, and when your soul ascends to Heaven, you are free to follow the law of Heaven. That is to say, don't follow Godly laws at expense of Earthly ones. If Rome says you can't do a certain thing, but God says you can, don't do the thing. Islam doesn't have anything like that, which is the main difference between Christianity and Islam, and is one of the main reasons that the two religions come to blows so often, and it's why western culture, which was founded upon Christian ideals, doesn't mesh well with Islam. At least, that's my understanding.
Yet both condemn murder and cruelty. Yet both have people that do so, such as Westboro Baptist or these so called "Muslim Extremists". But we do not consider Westboro Baptist to be a Christian church. And even though they have been condemned over and over again by those who follow Islam, we still consider those extremists to be a part of them.
Ah, but the problem arises when certain Islamist groups simply don't consider it murder to kill gays, or to commit an honor killing of their sister, or to jail Dutch tourists for being raped, or what have you. In their countries it isn't considered murder or rape, some even consider it right, because Allah ordained it so... Or at least that's what their Prophet would have them believe. And then, since it isn't murder, and God said it was ok, then it becomes ok within the culture.
@chakun If you actually look up the Sharia, you'll find that the Prophet has ordained for it to not be imposed on any unwilling person and therefore should not be forced by government implementation. The Prophet, in his time, wrote the Charter of Medina in which Muslims were held to Shariah Law, and Jews to the Law of the Torah. The Qur’an clearly says, “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:257). Furthermore, Shariah obliges Muslims to be loyal to their nation of residence. And thus, Muslims must follow the law of their nation above the law of religion.
There are many who aren't Muslim who went as far as to praise the shooter for what he did. It is not merely a problem with one religion, or religion at all.
Really? I didn't know that. I've never heard anything like that. Thank you for informing me. (I'm actually not being sarcastic, though my tone may lead you to believe otherwise. I promise.)