Yeah. It's not a physics question. It's an engineering question. And it involves things you can't observe in this photo.
· 8 years ago
But the pullys just redirect force, the buckets can't fall as the table is been pulled up creating an impass. I dont think there is anything else involved
What's inside the buckets? You can't assume there's something or nothing so it's an unseen variable.
· 8 years ago
It doesn't matter as long as they are all equal in weight
· 8 years ago
It also matters because the buckets have to be of equal or greater weight than the table otherwise the table would fall and if this were an exam question than they would definitely do something to it making either the buckets or the table gain or loose weight making this important.
· 8 years ago
True, fortunately this is funsubstance and not a exam:)
· 8 years ago
Sorry, just trying to keep my brain awake for my freshman year at college for engineering.
· 8 years ago
Its cool. I would say pay attention to your lecturer but that would be hypocritical :)
Newtons law of opposing forces,
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the table is pushing against the buckets and the buckets against the table, creating an equilibrium between the forces and suspending it in mid air
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the table is pushing against the buckets and the buckets against the table, creating an equilibrium between the forces and suspending it in mid air