I really don't get the burqa thing. I don't think anyone should have to cover/censor themselves so others will tolerate them. Wearing it as a symbol of religion? Sure! So long the person wearing it actually chose to.
It also really feeds into slut shaming; worn in more "conservative" (I say extremist) countries as to not tempt men. As if one's clothing is the only thing preventing men from being rapists (seriously, why are men not offended by this concept??), or as if one's clothing negates another individuals choice to attack them.
I don't know what "you gonna on to you..." was supposed to be but where is the bullshit story?? The Quran says nothing about women having to wear such restrictive clothing, it only says men and women alike should dress conservatively (24:31). It also says to have only one wife (33:52) but polygamy is very common in many Muslim countries. And a woman's testimony in court is worth half of a man's (2:282). These are facts. Shall I go on? I probably should, seeing as how you don't do any research before you mouth off.
To your original comment:
It's not worn to keep men from becoming rapists. Its worn when you want people to focus on your personality rather than your looks. Its worn if you don't want the discomfort associsted with being oggled at. Its also worn because people dont feel the need to catch unwanted attention.
How Is this a burn? The moderator can wear a Burka Or a notable or modern western dress if she wants, but the Muslim has to wear the all-covering clothing or some Muslim man will throw acid on her, or relative will kill her in an honor killing. The smart Ass insulting response doesn't undo the oppression of their whole region.
They don't actually have to. I have a Muslim friend and she doesn't wear anything, not even a head covering.(but she loves in a country not dominated by muslims) It is considered indecent not to wear one (in some places) if anything. Somewhat like a woman taking off her shirt. It's not really illegal, and a man can do it, but it might cause some confusion. One time my mom forgot to cover herself in a different country, and people were falling off of their bicycles.
It also really feeds into slut shaming; worn in more "conservative" (I say extremist) countries as to not tempt men. As if one's clothing is the only thing preventing men from being rapists (seriously, why are men not offended by this concept??), or as if one's clothing negates another individuals choice to attack them.
It's not worn to keep men from becoming rapists. Its worn when you want people to focus on your personality rather than your looks. Its worn if you don't want the discomfort associsted with being oggled at. Its also worn because people dont feel the need to catch unwanted attention.