Rape and sexual assault is no more falsely reported than any other crime; less than 2% of rapes reported are false.
While yes, it's sad that this kid was falsely imprisoned (maybe. Let's see sources) there was overwhelming evidence that the Stanford Rapist raped a girl, and that he got off easy because he's white. Because he has money. Because hes an athlete. And it's BS
These types of posts and thoughts are what supports the rape culture that persists in our world.
You got a source on that "stat" guest? Because i have one here showing why it's extremely misleading and that it only states that between 2-8% of rape accusations are demonstrably false. However almost half do not actually proceed to courts do to lack of evidence, the accuser not cooperating with the investigation, or the event in question not actually meeting the standards of assault. In fact only a third of rape accusations actually go to trial. That's a cold comfort for those accused however, as their names have already been destroyed, their reputations dragged through the mud. That is the only "rape culture" that exists in the weatern world despite what you would have us believe.
Nope. The current stats according to the US justice department is anywhere from 4-6% of reported rape cases MAY have been falsified. You're making it sound like a majority of reported rape is just people making it up when this is very much not the case, and if you follow the link you'll see several reasons why victims choose not to pursue a report or may even drop a claim. Rape culture is very much alive, and denying it helps no one.
I love how the tear jerking pamphlet ends with "not only half of them", pretending there were as many rapes as there are false accusations of rape. Fuck that meninist bullshit.
Or is there? The article shown in this shitty meme is from mensviews.com, their "goal is to provide readers with a unique look at society from men’s social and political point of view". Justr what the world needed after 150 people on 12 websites totally destroyed every mans life on this planet
Feminists are people who believe that women's rights need to be supported because they are, as a whole gender, structurally and socially disadvantaged by society, in favour of men. Meninists are people who believe that men's rights need to be supported because they are, as a whole gender, structurally and socially disadvantaged by society, in favour of women. These people exist, it's not all trolls.
Also please note that I make my points under my name. I don't post as a guest, and if you doubt that, it say more about you than about me. At least have a look at posting times before you make an ass of yourself.
Meninists are in fact quite a large number of males who truly believe feminists have stolen their god given right of feeling fucking superior to women. They're not an elaborate think tank of sophisticated parodists, stretching the limits of political correctness, they are a sorry bunch of daft limpdicks who know they're shit and who also know that they can't simply rely on the fact they had an y-chromosome any more, like their fathers and grandfathers could. So they feel betrayed and whine around. Boo-fuckin-hoo. Now are they a legit lobby group? Should feminism concentrate on them? Should a feminist argue with them on a peer level? Uhm, no, of course not, where did I say that? What's your poblem with me having a little fun?
What are your so hooked on "meninism as a brand"? Meninists would never call themselves meninists, as this is clearly a derogatory term for "whiny little pissboy mourning the assumed loss of his male privileges". At least that's how I like to use this term. Its always nice to watch who is losing his shit over me doing this.
Why would I provide proof for something I never said? Where did I say there were men gathering, calling themselves meninists and take political, meninist action? What they do instead is deny male privilege and threaten women who they identify as feminists to rape them. Uhm, anonymously, on the internet, cause they're whiny little pissboys, of course.
Yea dude, I'll show you proof, whatever, just relax dude...
<invisible to forda> hey will someone call the school nurse please? And maybe... security?</invisible to forda>
yea, "fam" it's all good, just relax. I'll get you proof...
1. Looks like it had been getting press (i.e. "According to news reports")
2. The Stanford case is huge because the victims of rape are far less likely to come forward, go through rigorous legal and medical processes when the justice system does not protect victims and prosecute offenders.
3. Rape culture exists and clearly it can be exploited. But this article here, further suggests a mindset that we should doubt allegations of rape. False assumption. We should investigate the accusation against the accused. Which is what happened here. As with most criminal proceedings.
This is incredibly despicable I accurately reported.
While yes, it's sad that this kid was falsely imprisoned (maybe. Let's see sources) there was overwhelming evidence that the Stanford Rapist raped a girl, and that he got off easy because he's white. Because he has money. Because hes an athlete. And it's BS
These types of posts and thoughts are what supports the rape culture that persists in our world.
Also please note that I make my points under my name. I don't post as a guest, and if you doubt that, it say more about you than about me. At least have a look at posting times before you make an ass of yourself.
<invisible to forda> hey will someone call the school nurse please? And maybe... security?</invisible to forda>
yea, "fam" it's all good, just relax. I'll get you proof...
2. The Stanford case is huge because the victims of rape are far less likely to come forward, go through rigorous legal and medical processes when the justice system does not protect victims and prosecute offenders.
3. Rape culture exists and clearly it can be exploited. But this article here, further suggests a mindset that we should doubt allegations of rape. False assumption. We should investigate the accusation against the accused. Which is what happened here. As with most criminal proceedings.
This is incredibly despicable I accurately reported.