We didn't even buy white bread (We still don't, though we have the funds now), cause it was really expensive, so we had to get the wheat.. stuff... that was pretty gross.
How can you eat 4 week old white rice, it will either be hard as rocks or start to separate (the grains dissolve and the water seeps out, basically it's rotten and turning to sake.) Unless it was old dried rice that was then cooked and eaten, don't make up sob stories because some of us poor folk know all about white rice.
· 8 years ago
It was somewhere between 3-4 weeks old, I'm not sure because I didn't make it. When it was first made it was relatively undercooked, like some grains were still hard. It'd been sat in the fridge untouched for a long ass time, but it was okay to scrape a serving off with a spoon. I'm not sure why I'm explaining myself, bc who would feel the need to lie about eating rice? But anyway, it was fine after the microwave. I put shredded cheese and dressing in it to get some kind of flavor
I once ate rice that had been in our fridge for over a month. It made me so sick, I threw up three times and my stomach hurt (almost) worse than period cramps.
No garlic bread?!