That's not good. Yes bullying sucks, was bullied, but you should never let it turn you into the kind of person that's happy someone got cancer. Kids are dumb and tease each other, but you're an adult now, don't be like that. You might need to talk to someone to deal with the anger you clearly still have
Yeah that's not chill bro. Being kinda glad they got what was coming to them from say a shit job or finally got bitch slapped? Sure. But cancer? That's cruel.
Same, I had obvious physical injuries and everybody seemed oblivious. After I started secondary school he would message me via facebook to let me know what a piece of shit I was. If he didn't I'd have forgiven him (He was poor and often got drinks and cookies from me so I assumed that that was the reason but when taking facebook into account it doesn't make sense). Nowadays i don't care about him but knowing his life will be miserable or severely shortened would make my day.
I was glad when I found out this horrible teacher , a sneering cunt, had leukemia. Didn't tell anyone I was happy though,in case they thought I was disgusting for it. However, I met a friend who told me she was happy about it, so she's one of the only people who knows I was glad about it.
You should have posted a comment on his FB reminding him that you were the kid that he bullied and stuff. Don't add anything else, just remind him of that.
One girl that bullied me almost constantly to my breaking point every single day for 9 years, is in present day stuck in a wheelchair like a frikkin' vegetable. That's karma, bitch!
I was pretty much jumping in joy myself when I found out. Oh how badly she deserved that considering what she put me through for all those years.
I was pretty much jumping in joy myself when I found out. Oh how badly she deserved that considering what she put me through for all those years.