Less crowded with idiots
And the idiots are those who overuse the term racism in my eyes
· 8 years ago
Who said anything about racism?
This post is the complete opposite of racism
In fact, it demotes racism...but yeah the world needs less idiots, you're right about that
Here is the problem: there are douchenuggets on both sides. Both groups protect their douchenuggets while demanding the other group denounce theirs. That being said, US District Attorneys and lawmakers are often the biggest culprits, looking to make examples of as many people as possible so they can look "tough on crime" and keep being reelected. They tend to weaponize police by pushing for more convictions and harsher categories for offences, leaving the cops stuck enforcing sometimes stupid laws. Then the cops are the ones who feel the push back from the same citizenry who elected the lawmakers, so yeah, they're eventually going to get pissy about it. Yeah, they're going to get tired of getting death threats for telling you to stop loitering there. Yeah, some are going to start pushing back on the community. So yes, be polite to police officers. But also speak up against lawmakers and get changes made.
THIS IS WHAT WE NEED TO SEE PLASTERED ALL OVER THE INTERNET! Not the very rare occasions when an officer/citizen interaction goes badly.
White guys get tazed or shot too, we just don't hear about it because it doesn't make sensational headlines.
It doesn't matter what color your skin is; don't be a fucking asshole when you get stopped by a cop and you'll have a much better day.
My Dad has been many things. He was a Fireman, a Fire Chief, a Fire Marshall, a State Fire Marshall, a Prison Guard, and a Police Officer. And the one job he says he received the most disrespect from people was when he was a Cop. He pulled people from burning buildings, he worked on the Oklahoma bombing case, he worked in a prison for 2 years, and yet a man spit in my Dad's face for giving him a ticket for going 60 in a school zone. He use to come home and just break down. He would say how he should of just kept working as a fireman because at least people believe him when he was there to do good. This is why when I see people disrespect cops it makes me so mad.
Sadly my Dad is not doing well these days he is only 63 but we think he be leaving us soon. The doctors say he maybe has a year. His body went through a lot of pain for others but now it is failing him. He use to be a big man at 6'2 and 250+ but now he is barely making it to 120. But he lived a good life and the only thing he could ever ask for he says is more time.
What sucks is that this guy had to be super careful. Keeping his hands on the steering wheel and speaking quietly and politely. I could be pulled over and have my hands all over the place. I don't have to think like that. Like, "I have to be super careful and calm or something might happen". Obviously...don't be a dick when you get pulled over.
It matters more where you are than what you look like. In a small town/county the police generally have less to worry about from a traffic stop and will likely be more at ease, but even a white guy is more likely to get shot in a higher crime area.
Also, if you are armed the first words out of your mouth had better be that you are a CCW holder along with exactly where your weapon is located, and your hands had better not move from the steering wheel until instructed to do so. NO MATTER WHO OR WHERE YOU ARE.
I'm a white male and I still make sure to sit perfectly still and be super careful. I think that is just the best way to handle interactions with a police officer no matter what you look like. I can't claim to experience the level of hostility some people have received, but I have dealt with very disrespectful police officers despite my best behavior. That being said, I've met good ones too. You never know what card you'll draw, but that is just like anything else. I don't hate all cops because of the bad ones, I just assume the bad ones are assholes and wish they'd change professions.
Congratulations, you are in the 95% of people for whom this transaction goes as intended. Your good fortune does not invalidate the experience of the 5% of people who are unjustly intimidated, arrested, brutalized, or killed - any more than the fact that 99% of the populace is unarmed means the cops should not wear body armor.
Actually, there are more firearms per capita in America than actual people. Additionally, providing sweeping, broad-spectrum, inaccurate 'statistics' does nothing to help your cause for the '5%' of people you're trying to help.
False information and miscommunication are some of the biggest hurdles that people have to overcome--because of people like you just throwing crap out there, it gives the entire, positive movement a negative connotation.
Pick up a book, educate yourself.
Look at the post and it's content for what it is--simply a message that the large majority of those on both sides aren't bad people... and communicating such a message does nothing to hurt the conveying of the fact that there are bad people out there who do bad things on both sides.
Equality doesn't mean fervently attacking or zealously propping up one side or the other--it means doing what's right for all. Garbage statements and people like you are the problem.
Not all gun owners carry guns at all times. A substantial number of people in transit will be law-abiding citizens going to or from places they cannot legally carry a weapon into and will thus likely be unarmed when encountering police.
The world would be so less crowded with idiots
Who are the idiots by the way
And the idiots are those who overuse the term racism in my eyes
This post is the complete opposite of racism
In fact, it demotes racism...but yeah the world needs less idiots, you're right about that
White guys get tazed or shot too, we just don't hear about it because it doesn't make sensational headlines.
It doesn't matter what color your skin is; don't be a fucking asshole when you get stopped by a cop and you'll have a much better day.
Also, if you are armed the first words out of your mouth had better be that you are a CCW holder along with exactly where your weapon is located, and your hands had better not move from the steering wheel until instructed to do so. NO MATTER WHO OR WHERE YOU ARE.
Actually, there are more firearms per capita in America than actual people. Additionally, providing sweeping, broad-spectrum, inaccurate 'statistics' does nothing to help your cause for the '5%' of people you're trying to help.
False information and miscommunication are some of the biggest hurdles that people have to overcome--because of people like you just throwing crap out there, it gives the entire, positive movement a negative connotation.
Pick up a book, educate yourself.
Look at the post and it's content for what it is--simply a message that the large majority of those on both sides aren't bad people... and communicating such a message does nothing to hurt the conveying of the fact that there are bad people out there who do bad things on both sides.
Equality doesn't mean fervently attacking or zealously propping up one side or the other--it means doing what's right for all. Garbage statements and people like you are the problem.