The fact there was no one else around has nothing to do with it. All spawned Pokémon stay in one place for exactly 15 minutes (with the exception of a few which last slightly longer, up to 30 minutes). They despawn if and only if the timer runs out, regardless of other players catching them.
- FunStats
· 8 years ago
I was trying to catch a pikachu right outside my house but the stupid thing wouldn't stay inside the pokeball so I just quit after having wasted 20 plus pokeballs. Luckily for me though I live close to the rec center which has like five pokestops within five minutes of each other so managed to restock all my wasted pokeballs and even got two eggs out of the trip
The fact there was no one else around has nothing to do with it. All spawned Pokémon stay in one place for exactly 15 minutes (with the exception of a few which last slightly longer, up to 30 minutes). They despawn if and only if the timer runs out, regardless of other players catching them.
- FunStats