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· 8 years ago
I will cross a churches ground because the church behind pokestop is at its back door
· 8 years ago
The only church parking lot that I've gone into while playing is the church that my family goes to and only bc the statue in the middle of the parking lot grass was a stop and it was too far away from the sidewalk
· 8 years ago
Personally, I think parking lots are okay, it's when people start traipsing around the grounds thats a bit iffy.
· 8 years ago
See I just walked into the parking lot which opens up to the other side of the block so it wasn't like I was disrupting anyone. It was also a Friday night so it's not like anyone was really there
· 8 years ago
The entire church is built around community my car gate on the fence even opens up into there land
· 8 years ago
Now I want to do all those things because some guy told me not to
· 8 years ago
But graveyards have so many pokestops
· 8 years ago
I WILL: not have a girlfriend,
· 8 years ago
>gamers can't be uncultured savages
· 8 years ago
I will welcome people who haven't played other pokemon games. I will NOT welcome those who made fun of people who played pokemon games, then started playing pokemon go because it's trending.
· 8 years ago
What about churches that encourage it?
· 8 years ago
If any of the places allow/encourage that's different. The Holocaust Memorial Museum was having a big problem with people playing on their grounds and even inside.
· 8 years ago
One of the churches in my town is a gym, and the other church across the road from it is a pokestop.
· 8 years ago
I think graveyards are fair game as long as you're respectful. Not everyone is religious or belongs to a church, but we'll all die, so graveyards should accept everyone coming through.
· 5 years ago
If you don't want Pokemon Go players coming on your property, don't put game elements like Pokestops or Gyms on your property. It seems reasonable to want people to be respectful of your monument, church or cemetery, but if you don't want people going there at all, don't put "lures" there to attract players, or ask that those things be removed. There must be a way, because one of my favorite church parking lots, with a stop and a gym, now has nothing. So, I never go there now...congratulations, you got what you wanted. For me, if someone levels up that is to the gym battle next to my grave (distant future I hope) then thanks for visiting me.
· 5 years ago
No one "put" the stops there, other than Niantic, and from what I've heard it was very confusing trying to figure out who and how to contact someone to remove the stops, especially when the game first came out. The owners of those properties weren't the ones putting lures out and had no control over those who did. There have been multiple churches I know of who have had to put up fences to keep people from loitering and causing problems for the congregations, such as littering and just common nuisance behavior. They had no say in the game coming out or being used as a stop. If you want your gave as a gym or stop, by all means, leave a request to have it nominated, you can do that now, but when this came out it wasn't that easy to contact the developers.