Well, have another look at the comments on the trailer. Are they about the movie being probably crappy? Then fine, that's no problem. But actually you'll find ALOT of comments mainly if not only broaching the issue of women starring it. Which is misogyny, by definition.
To be fair, there are quite a few fanboys who don't want to see it because the leads are female, although most probably just think it generally looks crappy. It's just that the worst people in any group are always the loudest and most noticeable.
The whole movie I was muttering " that's not how that works, that's not how ANY of this works....."
· 8 years ago
I don't think they're being mysoginist at all. I think it's just they took the legendary ghost busters who were all male then made a new movie and made them all female. In the future when we talk about the legendary ghost busters classic they will talk about the new one.
Yea, sure. Unless maybe they explicitly made the gender of the 4 ghostbusters the topic of their postings. Which a_lot did. Which is why this is a topic.