So there is no need for a vasectomy or hysterectomy.
· 8 years ago
Wow...She's as sharp as a bag of marshmallows XD
· 8 years ago
If abortion is really needed, I'm fine with it. But if they become pregnant because they can't stop having sex and they have no restraint, it's so wrong
Thats wrong. So so wrong. Its wrong because women shouldnt have to be the only ones to live with that. Men can and do walk away and society barely bats an eye, but a woman wants the right to choose, and everybody looses their minds. Its a choice, its her uterus and no one elses business. I hope for your sake nobody leaves you in a shitty situation that causes you to make a hard choice, only to be criticized by small minded and uneducated people. Honestly i doubt youd be able to handle it. Good day.
Way to influence people's thoughts by belittling them. So what if they have a valid point that actions have consequences so plan ahead and are also willing to see a need for abortion, calling strangers small minded and uneducated can only open the door for change. *clap clap* Well done. *clap clap*
But, what if the dude wants babies, why should he stop being able to have children because the woman doesn't.
· 8 years ago
Then he's going to either have to move on to someone else or accept it.
In the end it's the woman carrying the sproglet not him. She sacrifices more (such as her body and her youth) and has to carry the damn thing for 9 months (which is no picnic) and then squeeze it out of her vagina (which takes hours, sometimes days)!
Her body, her choice.
And Tbh, what's worse?
A woman being pregnant, not wanting it and going to a safe sanitary facility where a relatively small procedure will be performed by a trained surgeon/Doctor
Her going to some dodgy backstreet abortionist or doing a DIY jobby trying to get rid of it herself (like they used to when abortion was illegal and women had no say in having children or not)?
I don't know why that's so hard to understand ^. Why kill a baby if you made an irresponsible choice? The baby I lost had a heartbeat at 6 weeks and I very much consider him or her a person. You can't tell me that it was just a "cluster of cells." That's bs. That's a fucking child you're carrying in your belly.
I know I was just adding on to your comments. If you're too irresponsible to wear condoms then it's their own fauot of they get pregnant and I think they need to deal with the aftermath.
Been on the depo shot for a few years now, works wonders.
· 8 years ago
Ok why the downvotes for mystic and Winchester?!
They are totally right, it's not right to kill an innocent baby because of your stupidity, you're going to go on with your life and then what? Have more and more sex and kill more babies?!
Anyway I'm on the depo and I love It, I've been on it for almost 4 years
*commercial status*
I just want to say that I'm pretty sure this tweet is referring to the hypocrisy of guys who don't want to use condoms yet think abortion is wrong. Other forms of birth control are often not available for many women, so denying them abortions for their "irresponsible choice" is just plain wrong. We've all made hundreds of poor decisions, but the majority of those don't carry a 9+month sentence.
· 8 years ago
Well from where I stand (and it's only an opinion) I love babies and everyone deserves a chance to live.
That's that, there are people everyday praying to have kids and women are killing them EVERYDAY that's just what I was saying
I know what the post is about
If a man has no choice in whether a woman will abort his child or not, why does he also have no choice in having to pay support for any child carried to term. You can't have it both ways!
Well I respect your opinion, but just because women in the world don't have babies doesn't mean we can stop other women from having abortions or forcing them to carry it to term and give it up for adoption. There are millions of starving children in the world, but I'm not going to stop feeding my children and sacrifice their food and health to give to starving children. You can't tell an abortion-seeking woman that she has to sacrifice her body and time and health so that another woman can eventually have her baby.
· 8 years ago
That's quite harsh but ok
I'm going to try having a good day after reading all of this
· 8 years ago
*claps for @unicycle *
And @mysticpotatoe a woman should use birth control as well as using condoms (the only reason you shouldn't have to use condoms is if your married because condoms aren't just for preventing pregnancy they're for preventing STIs)
I am sorry you guys don't have the education, I am a med student, so I KNOWN. unfortunatley embryos And fetus doesn't have the same right as us, legally speaking. As for once i think that they are worst things than abortion, like bringing a baby to be abuse to this world
· 8 years ago
Are you sure you're a med student? How did you get past the MCAT with that grammar! (Jk, I know fast angry typing when I see it)
What does being a med student have to do with knowing the legal rights of embryos and fetuses (which differ wildly depending on state dear med student) ABOVE what anyone else could easily read up on. Don't passive-aggressive throw your "education" in our faces when simple grammar escapes you. And don't back up your statements with some personal opinion, you just threw your "legally speaking" clarification out the window. First guest is full of shit.
Well that's better than abortion.
*the end*
Winchester, I've learned my lesson a few moments ago trying to argue a point to people who always think they're right and they think no one can have did right NOT responding to that one
Yeah, I might be to your idiotic ass
Go ahead argue behind the internet if it makes you feel bigger and smarter
· 8 years ago
@morganwinchester So if your for abortion then you don't deserve to have oestrogen? Because that's part of what your ovaries do...They create oestrogen.
The whole thing with abortion is not as clear cut as everyone seems to think it is. Not everyone is only for or only against.
@peachypersimmon honestly that was a really stupid response because you knew exactly what I meant. I guess they should go get "fixed" then if they don't want kids. Quit being fucking irresponsible and killing a child because people can't go to the store and buy a pakc of condoms.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Yeah I get what you fucking meant you twonk. The basic of what you said was that if you don't want to have kids get rid of your womb.
And you're calling me stupid? That's a laugh.
In a lot of countries women and men don't have easy access to prophylactics or other forms of birth control. Women get pregnant from being raped and want to have an abortion because they
A) don't want a baby at this point in their lives
B) don't want to have a constant living reminder of what happened to them.
Pregnancy and having children is a big thing and should always be a choice.
And anyway, even if you're against abortion you can at least agree that it should be done in a safe hygienic environment.
The outcome of rape ending in pregnancy is not that common you fucking idiot. All these ridiculous pro lifers always pull the rape card. Newsflash, I was raped by two different men in my life multiple times throughout my childhood and teen years and never once did I fall pregnant. Getting pregnant is almost always choice, keeping the baby should not be a choice, it is a responsibility. It's sickening that I prayed and hoped and took care of myself everyday to keep my child healthy and my baby still didn't make it, but all these irresponsible and selfish people are just murdering away their babies. That's fucking disgusting.
morganwinchester, I'm sympathetic to your struggle and I'm sorry for everything you've been through. However, not everyone who has an abortion is irresponsible or selfish. What could be more irresponsible than forcing someone to bring a child into the world when they don't have the means to care for it? What could be more selfish than expecting other people to put their bodies through hell and lives on hold for 9 months just so they can put their child in a system for adoption with the hope that they find a caring home?
· 8 years ago
@morganwinchester it's about a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant through rape (age dependant on the victim of course) so yeah reeeeally not that common.
I'm sorry you had such horrible childhood experiences, and I'm sorry you lost your baby but that doesn't mean you should be bitter and judgemental about other women not wanting to carry a child just because you sadly lost yours. I know it must feel unjust to see women going to rid themselves of a baby when you tried so hard to look after you and yours.
And @unicycle has a very valid point.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
lets beat a dead horse. honestly you can just have your tubes tied. it has it's risks, but so does pregnancy and abortion. if you have your uterus removed you will still have your hormones. those are in your ovaries. that is the difference of partial hysterectomy (still have ovaries) and full hysterectomy (no ovaries). my mother had complications and literally it was me or her, i was chosen to die, yet somehow i was saved too. in turn my mother had to have a partial hysterectomy. also here is the thing. no doctor, least a legal doctor will do a hysterectomy without a REAL need for one. even getting your tubes tied is something that is hard to do before 40. birth control is cheap. my wife and i use pill AND condom, we don't want kids, and she is paranoid. you can also get a IUD that lasts up to 2 years if i recall, there is patches and an under-skin implant. even "plan B" for those oops moments. abortion should never be used unless medically necessary, or in obvious cases of rape.
In the end it's the woman carrying the sproglet not him. She sacrifices more (such as her body and her youth) and has to carry the damn thing for 9 months (which is no picnic) and then squeeze it out of her vagina (which takes hours, sometimes days)!
Her body, her choice.
And Tbh, what's worse?
A woman being pregnant, not wanting it and going to a safe sanitary facility where a relatively small procedure will be performed by a trained surgeon/Doctor
Her going to some dodgy backstreet abortionist or doing a DIY jobby trying to get rid of it herself (like they used to when abortion was illegal and women had no say in having children or not)?
They are totally right, it's not right to kill an innocent baby because of your stupidity, you're going to go on with your life and then what? Have more and more sex and kill more babies?!
Anyway I'm on the depo and I love It, I've been on it for almost 4 years
*commercial status*
That's that, there are people everyday praying to have kids and women are killing them EVERYDAY that's just what I was saying
I know what the post is about
I'm going to try having a good day after reading all of this
And @mysticpotatoe a woman should use birth control as well as using condoms (the only reason you shouldn't have to use condoms is if your married because condoms aren't just for preventing pregnancy they're for preventing STIs)
*the end*
Winchester, I've learned my lesson a few moments ago trying to argue a point to people who always think they're right and they think no one can have did right NOT responding to that one
Go ahead argue behind the internet if it makes you feel bigger and smarter
The whole thing with abortion is not as clear cut as everyone seems to think it is. Not everyone is only for or only against.
And you're calling me stupid? That's a laugh.
In a lot of countries women and men don't have easy access to prophylactics or other forms of birth control. Women get pregnant from being raped and want to have an abortion because they
A) don't want a baby at this point in their lives
B) don't want to have a constant living reminder of what happened to them.
Pregnancy and having children is a big thing and should always be a choice.
And anyway, even if you're against abortion you can at least agree that it should be done in a safe hygienic environment.
I'm sorry you had such horrible childhood experiences, and I'm sorry you lost your baby but that doesn't mean you should be bitter and judgemental about other women not wanting to carry a child just because you sadly lost yours. I know it must feel unjust to see women going to rid themselves of a baby when you tried so hard to look after you and yours.
And @unicycle has a very valid point.