What? What type of quality do you expect coming from the government? It has to be good in order to keep people happy, even the poor families that might not have a job but have access to a system in which they are treated in any kind of situation. I don't feel like you have an argument
I think that European treatment is pretty good, but hey you probably have never been attended on a European or Canadian hospital and I have never been treated on an American one
I know a 15 year old that needs a therapist, but can't afford one. I really wish I could help.
· 8 years ago
If they have insurance ask the company if they, like some others, offer x amount of free visits to certain ones. Our company allows six free visits a year per individual, and usually if they keep you on visiting it's at a much lower rate.
They don't have life insurance, they can't afford it.
· 8 years ago
Ah, well at fifteen, a school counselor from the High school can be utilized. Most schools even have a psychiatrist come in a few times per semester, and they only need to speak with a counselor to make an appointment in most cases. If that won't work, I know some churches have...I guess counselor is the right word..though they will rely on religion for several things, they can still be more valuable than no help, whether the person is religious or not.
If you elect me president,the first thing I would do is slash pell grants, medicare and other "free entitlement programs" to 10 % of their current size... I will use the Pell grant as the example..120 days after Congress approves a hike in Pell grants..the colleges want all of that "free" money,so they raise tuition, bookstores raise their prices so they can get their fingers in the pie..and so forth and so on.. and the person who gets hurt is the ones trying to do it on their own..if you cut the pell grant to a reasonable level,colleges would have to lower the tuition to get enough students in..and the ones who would be "hurting" then would be the ones getting filthy rich while the masses get poorer.. Same goes for the medical field..except so many more people have their hands in the cookie jar that instead of raising the price to match dollar for dollar,it actually is a dollar and raise 1.70..and we are where we are
Hahaha oh how I like those white people's problems. Although I'm white too. WASP people problems. I also live in a country with mandatory h.i.,but I also live in a country where you have to bribe for baby delivery anesthetic, or else you won't get it,fcuk mandatory h i when you have only one injection for your(and 50 other people's) disease, one package of pills left in your whole county and you need them literally as the air you inhale, you have literally one shot of anti venom (in densely forested country full of wild pigs let alone snakes). And all of this is, you know, how do I put this, government acknowledged. We have, like in "good"old times of communism state tv announcements on "call for rationing" and "shortages" and call for those more fortunate to donate so we can afford something from abroad, and when good people of, idk, Canada donate cat scan we celebrate 3 days, also on state TV, but if you enter the list for scanning, you'll get it in 2055.! (to be continued... )
You call these things "white people problems"? Perhaps you should Google the term, because these are real issues that lower class people experience. Ignoring a medical condition that may or not be serious, having teeth continuously rot in your mouth because you can't afford to have them pulled; these are not "white people problems". It's a serious fucking problem. I get that you have issues wherever you're from, but it's not as easy as you think for people barely making it here. Plus my bf is black and dealing with the same shit, so fuck you.
(...continuation) We had "odd number plate"policy. If your car plate ends in odd number "You shall not drive" when and where state orders you not to. This worked in big cities but if you had that one and only car in your village, and your old father's cut off his leg you become surgeon with fireplace pokers. We don't have enough beds in hospitals. Imagine that you're convulsing in failing kidneys pain and you have to share, yes share, you don't get separate room like in the good old US of A, to share, not room, you get to share bed with another patient.Hahaaha true stories. I even saw people hanging from the ceiling cause there's no place, but that was in the movie. Don't let me even start on "There's nothing wrong with you, go home" doctors, and patient dies. So stop crybabying. You with your "imaginary" conditions like ADHD and carpal tunnel and dizzy spells and split personality and lupus and obesity and anorexia and oversweating and sex addiction and eye lid cancer and hypertensi
And we're applying for EU. This kind of scenarios, most of them, probably including ceiling people, based on a true story, are scenarios for catastrophe movies. Imagine you have a disease, serious serious disease, even asthma, and the only remaining asthma pump is in the hospital pharmacy and there are 50 of you "asthma zombies". But state TV calms us down. I can't even imagine that in America. It'd be Burn Oregon burn. If you had shortage of idk Oreos, and government told you Eat hydrox you'd riot It's not the same. This also actually happened, to me, while army was mandatory as well. Shortage of food, so they gave away cans of meat. But pork. Did they care about Muslims(almost 30% here,so not even a minority).no. I rioted(being 1/8 Jewish,not religious just never ate pork)and captain tried to shush me This ain't NATO army. They complain to ice-cream color there! I'm not laughing at you don't get me wrong I'm crying over us. I'd give anything I can complain to Hydrox
I dunno mate, calling mental disorders fake and saying we would burn down Oregon if we ran out of asthma inhalers/treatments (which I don't have to imagine) sounds an awful lot like laughing at us
Someone uovote me out of hell.