I've been told by someone from England that my accent was irritating and that I should take lessons to make it more easy to listen to. Don't think I spoke to the person ever again.
Where I am, its raining and I've been working outside this afternoon. I live in the north, but I sound really out of place because I'm from the south so I have a southern accent. On the other hand, the BBC is great
I honestly think I would love living in England, though not so much London from what I hear. I'm tired of the heat, the fires and tge crazy ass reality show that has become our presidential election.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Eh, Londons not too bad tbh. And yeah, that does sound draining. But you missed out on our lovely BREXIT debates!
I read once that there were about 56 main accent types in the UK. I'd think it'd be relatively hard to master them all, given there isn't a single, specific one.