You can call my kid bad! You can call me a bad parent! But you have no idea the lengths I have gone through since he was 6 months old to correct his chemical imbalance. Will he ever be a nice kid-probably not. Will he hopefully grow up to be a productive member of society-god I hope so. Am I seeing 2 therapists, 3 doctors and a nutritionist each month? Yes. Misbehaved children are not always the result of bad parenting.
I like that lebfturtle poured his/her heart out and the guest was like "you have a bad attitude, you're a terrible parent." Like are you drunk or just an asshole? You don't even have a user name... It's like you just stumbled into someone else party, told a stranger they were terrible and then left.
· 8 years ago
If your kid is a dick to another kid for no reason, then yeah, bad parenting
gotta give her some credit for that