The difference is, with Trump the explosion is so big even they can't ignore it. America is screwed either way but imma have to go with hillary on this one. She may be corrupt but at least she's not racist and trying to build a wall. As I said, either way America is screwed.
Everyone who calls Trump racist only displays their own ignorance.
He wants to keep the bad guys out, and securing the borders is necessary to be able to stop the bad people from coming in.
We aren't saying immigrants are bad, we're stating the fact that many illegal immigrants are bad.
If we don't secure our borders and more thoroughly screen the people coming in, than we might as well send invitations to terrorists and cartels.
· 8 years ago
I call trump racist as he has, in the past referred to Mexicans as rapists, and in his recent speech to African-American voters he said, and I quote. "You're living in poverty, your schools are no good... ...what the hell do you have to lose?" I could give other examples but I really can't be bothered right now. Bye, have great day.
Or... Create an easier path to citizenship. We are agreeing that illegal immigration is bad, but for different reasons. Illegals are making it harder for everyone else to become citizens, so creating an easier path to citizenship will reduce the number of illegals. Sure, immigrants should have background checks and such. Illegals start cartels because they can't get a normal job. If there is an easy path to citizenship, the number of Cartels will also be reduced.
Exactly. They can't get normal jobs since they are illegal, so they are forced into poverty, and are forced into commiting crimes and starting cartels. If we make an easier path to citizenship, crime rates will also go down.
What kind of backwards reality do you live in where calling out the minority and making statement of fact is racist?
Many criminals are illegal Mexicans, and predominately black communities have suffered under Democratic leadership.
Cherry picked quotes don't make a racist. They only prove one's own lack of credible knowledge.
Well yeah they do live in poverty but if they really wanted to they could move up in our economy the idea that in America you cannot move up in stupid. Like their is no group of people keeping them down except them
Democrats historically thrive on class division and racial tension, so they've convinced minorities today that they need the government to help them live, while also convincing them through redundant legislation and affirmative action that whites won't give minorities a fair chance.
That's not true trashman, those who grow up in poor environments and a poor education and little to no money for college can't get a quality education, can't go to a good college, and can't get a good job. The split between classes is greater than ever.
Are you serious? You think you can just muster up 60k to go to Harvard? Just by getting straighh A's? Do you know how hard it is to get a completely free ride?
You don't need a big name school to start a resume or career, you only need a degree in something practical.
Also, good grades and good conduct could get you scholarships to some good state universities.
No no not true. It provides a better education. We're not talking about a degree or the name. A harvard educated business major will do better than a UAB business major. I can't believe I'm even arguing this point.
Well it is not about the specific case but the idea that if you use any thing correctly even a degree from a crappy college or just a high school diploma you can be successful you don't need to go to an Ivy League school to be successful
But your chances with an ivy league are greater. For Instance, both the Obamas went to Ivy's, Bill Gates went to Harvard (although he did drop out, he was still very much Harvard educated,) Steve Jobs went to Rice.... My point is, most politicians and businesspeople have a good degree, thus proving that you have a better chance of doing well at a good school
Yeah and unfortunately that is just life not everyone will go or be able to go to an Ivy League you are right it is an advantage but I can tell you now I'm not going to one in a million years I do not have the same intelligence to be able to even dream of going to one.
He wants to keep the bad guys out, and securing the borders is necessary to be able to stop the bad people from coming in.
If we don't secure our borders and more thoroughly screen the people coming in, than we might as well send invitations to terrorists and cartels.
What kind of backwards reality do you live in where calling out the minority and making statement of fact is racist?
Many criminals are illegal Mexicans, and predominately black communities have suffered under Democratic leadership.
Cherry picked quotes don't make a racist. They only prove one's own lack of credible knowledge.
Read the first line in my last comment.
Plenty of people succeed and thrive on less.
Also, good grades and good conduct could get you scholarships to some good state universities.