A friend of mine once wrote a fb status about how his wife hit him and the woman got FUCKING PRAISED. If that's today's standard of goodness, no wonder this world is fucked
I think hitting back, regardless of gender or situation, is never okay. You can push the person back in defense, but throwing a strike isn't okay. Period.
I once had a conversation with a co-worker that went something like this.
Him: Any guy that hits a girl is a pussy, end of story.
Me: Are you saying that girls are weak and need men to protect them?
Him: Well no, but...You just don't hit girls.
And that about sums up how fucked things are. Also I'm not saying it should be okay to hit girls, it shouldn't be okay to hit anyone, period. I'm a man and I can safely say I don't want to get hurt either.
isn't it said that like 45% of rapes are fake and the men have no way to prove it, and 100% of men who get raped don't say anything about it because no one would believe them, this is the society we live in
You most definitely just made up that statistic. In 2010 they found that at least a 3rd of rapes are not even reported. Why? Because rape victims are treated with suspicion and blamed for the crime. It's like saying most people make up being mugged because there was a news story about Ryan Lochte.
· 8 years ago
Please people stop putting up posts like this, this brings out the tumblr and sjw. Please, Let's be a happy community again
1. Can he hit her with the same force in the Same Place or 2. can he hit her to inflict the same amount of Pain/Damage or 3. should he hit her with the same portion of his strengh and therefore with an equal amount of anger ? I guess 2. but if she hits you in your man Parts how hard and where do you hit back and if you are really strong being hit by someone really weak you cant really hurt him since he tries to hurt you but cant ... In this case i guess 3. Is more satisfying ...
Him: Any guy that hits a girl is a pussy, end of story.
Me: Are you saying that girls are weak and need men to protect them?
Him: Well no, but...You just don't hit girls.
And that about sums up how fucked things are. Also I'm not saying it should be okay to hit girls, it shouldn't be okay to hit anyone, period. I'm a man and I can safely say I don't want to get hurt either.
and white knights are stupid