Well it's all about perspective. I find that these days more and more people are entrenched in what they believe to be the truth about things. It's easy to go online and find conformation that what you believe is correct. Whoever, if you don't ever stop and consider the source or even look into the opinions of others, you can't truely defend your own stance.
AR-15s have become the poster child for "assult rifles" that are "only for killing". Truth is they are like supped up Hondas. They look fancy and sleek and if you don't know any better you would think they could take out a submarine from around the world. They are small callable medium powered rifles. Nothing special in the hands of a regular person. But they have been vilified and so people are scared of them.
yeh. they use knives. South Africa is one of the most dangerous countries in the world? Point? We have corrupt cops but they don't shoot innocents, they just dont do thier jobs.
Contrary to what you have learned from memes our police don't run around executing people every night. Is it somehow morally superior to be stabbed with a knife or hacked with a machete than to be shot?
Truth is the whole world is being manipulated into fearing "those people over there" so that a few people can stay in power. We live in the safest part of history with the longest life spans and highest accumulated wealth across all people. But hey, "look at those few bad things and trust that only we can keep you safe".
· 8 years ago
What? Your police literally shoot any old dude. And i am exaggarating but your police are trained to pull the trigger when under pressure. Look at UK or any other place. And no it's not morally superior I'm just saying we don't give people access to dangerous weapons. The murder rate is high because our policemen are lazy as fuck.
AR-15s have become the poster child for "assult rifles" that are "only for killing". Truth is they are like supped up Hondas. They look fancy and sleek and if you don't know any better you would think they could take out a submarine from around the world. They are small callable medium powered rifles. Nothing special in the hands of a regular person. But they have been vilified and so people are scared of them.