peachy, I like you. You're normally funny, but you seem to be mighty critical of the US lately. Aren't you from the UK? The same UK that conquered half of the globe and destroyed cultures and oppressed indigenous peoples worldwide for centuries. The same UK that voted to brexit rather than commit cultural suicide? I'm sorry to get grumpy but sometimes it happens.
I'm critical because I'm angry at the fact that there's so many people in that amazing country and they pick Clinton and Trump? For the love of God TRUMP??? They could've got a fucking orangutan from the Zoo to represent the Republican party at it'd be more qualified than that egotistical sexist prick! And although Clinton is much more qualified than the Dorito Devil she's terrible too. Yes my country has messed up in THE PAST but Brexit is one of the best things we've done since creating the NHS. I don't mind you getting grumpy it's fine Bear :)
Please don't blame the entirety of the country for this election.
I haven't done anything wrong, nor has anyone else here.
But there was that incredibly close election in 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore, and it was incredibly close. Gore asked for a recount and the Supreme Court was like "hahaha fuck you" and Gore ended up losing the election.
So blame middle-class, working-class white people who haven't graduated from college on this election.
It's a fucking train wreck and now all we need to do is see who makes it out alive.
Cuz we all need college degrees to keep the factories and hospitals running. Your prejudice is showing banana. Who the fuck do you think grows your food?
I haven't done anything wrong, nor has anyone else here.
But there was that incredibly close election in 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore, and it was incredibly close. Gore asked for a recount and the Supreme Court was like "hahaha fuck you" and Gore ended up losing the election.
So blame middle-class, working-class white people who haven't graduated from college on this election.
It's a fucking train wreck and now all we need to do is see who makes it out alive.
Take your pick