Isnt that how everything is? like have you seen how many tumblr posts there are on funsubstance? I mean if its funny share it with other people. Its not like he is taking credit he is just merely sharing it with people on funsubstance.
· 8 years ago
Nobody who dwells on Tumblr regularly has enough confidence for snarky comments in public.
rule 1 of the internet: if it is on tumblr, it is a heavily exaggerated or completely fabricated story created by someloser with no friends and a life pathetic enough to spend time making up obvious lies to gain respect from gullible 13 year olds on the internet.
Well that is true not all of it is lies.I have seen some pretty cool posts on tumblr that have taught me how to do some pretty cool things. Of course tumblr is notorious for its triggered feminists and 13 year old children trying to get attention or whatever. but dont let the bad get to you. Tumblr can be a pretty cool place. If you like video games there are really cool blogs about that kinda stuff. If you like books or tv shows. I'm pretty sure there is a fandom for it. If you are into DIY or house decor stuff you shouldn't be on tumblr you should be on pinterest but there are still blogs about that stuff. The point is tumblr is a weird, yet awesome place.
i guess that true, @trikatops
yea, 4chan sure does have more cringy content as well as cringier content. probably also has some crongy content. did i mention it gas some cringy content. yea, but don't forget the cringy content. thanks for those english skillz, @geluregis
@eternal1 Then, pray tell, how would you reword it, oh Nazi of Grammars? My point is that, not only is there more content on 4chan that can be described as "cringe", but that their content also contains higher levels of "cringe".
ok, you could've said it like that. Also, your comment, if it was supposed to, doesn't affect mine in any way, cuz I find 4chan to be pretty cringy too.
yea, 4chan sure does have more cringy content as well as cringier content. probably also has some crongy content. did i mention it gas some cringy content. yea, but don't forget the cringy content. thanks for those english skillz, @geluregis