And again: look at WHO's the triggered, angsty teens... This meme shows 5 comments, 3 totally in favour, one (1) against, and 1 against the against comment, using the plural... same as you folks here. . . Where do y'all get the "they"?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Because this is the general vibe on tumblr. It's like going om 4Chan then seeing 1 post with 5 people on it. 1 constantly saying the N word while the others are having some discussion about, idk weed or something. Tumblr is a bunch of cry bullies like 4Chan is a bunch of white supremist retards. Might not be everyone, might not be all you see but it's what the site geneally contains. And this isn"t the first time you say retarded shit like this man.
Careful not to get triggered @funsubstanceuser , or you might become a hypocrite
· 8 years ago
He was triggered by the fact that someone was triggered on his fav site to complain about white supremacy from the ultimate white boy privilege position.
Why's her left arm black? Why's her legs the colours they are? Why does she have toes? Why is she a human? Why couldn't she just be a spirit like I am, I'm so offended.
(original post, not actual post)