Lol all I'm going to say is that it's a guy
I'm not gonna tag him
But hey feel free to dig through my comment history if you wanna find him
Just don't kill him
I don't get it. for all I see is I fucked up and I lost someone who I could once call an internet friend. good job Hoparduc! it's not enough noone likes you in real life but make yourself hated on the internet too
· 8 years ago
No, you didn't fucked up. You never did.
And we're friends don't worry
Don't worry Pari I'm here as an internet friend, or an internet best friend. and all best friends are a little gay for each other :) (Sorry Yuki, I'm still with you!) Also are you a guy or a gal?
Sorry force of habit I sometimes still use chu as a substitute for you cuz it's cuter but I ship Rosalinas w Gamzee
Edit = help me I'm laughing by myself at a room corner in the midnight
I'm bored so tell me your FS ships!
me and Daniel :3
i mean i lowkey ship you and me
but meh
rolls myself in the friendzone*
Also bc you live in Vietnam and I live in the US
Plus I'm 99.9% sure I got friendzoned yesterday so I'm still recovering a bit from that
also, im curious, whoooo ddaarrreee to do such thing?
I'm not gonna tag him
But hey feel free to dig through my comment history if you wanna find him
Just don't kill him
His username begins with an f
Don't any of you tag him tho
Hugs Ruwby* there there Ross is here
But don't hit him he's still my friend
It's public
*glares at folk aggressively*
Besides nobody hates you
You're chill
So far I think there are like 3 of 4 main ships in fs
That's all
dont pour salt on his open wound
No, you didn't fucked up. You never did.
And we're friends don't worry
I'll try my best not to fuck everything up
People shipped it but that didn't make it a ship
It sank harder than the titanic.
She left. :'(
(I still ship it tho <3)
Hope she comes back
I mean uh, haha, funny post
I'm a girl :3
I love it!
Edit = help me I'm laughing by myself at a room corner in the midnight
The ship as a hole in it !
It makes so sense