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· 8 years ago
Firemen don't get paid. Interesting.
· 8 years ago
70% of fire companies in the US are exclusively volunteer. No pay, few benefits or considerations, or anything in the way of recognition. I know because I'm in one
· 8 years ago
AND the only reason those guys would be standing around is if it's a total loss (which it looks to be) and if there's no entrapment.
· 8 years ago
The fire department can send you a bill some just send it straight to your taxes depending on the amount you owe. We had a fire in our backyard started by my idiot brothers throwing an aerosol can into the burn pit and it being summer the grass was a bit dry. Luckily there was no burn ban on. Well we got a bill for 35 bucks for them coming out and putting it out, we were told it could of been more if it wasn't for the fact the burn pit was close enough for the firefighters to get their truck near it. My Dad while he was a fire fighter told us of stories of people not knowing that fire fighters charge and them coming to the station throwing a fit over it. My Dad would always say "if you want we can put the fire back". That usually shut them up.
· 8 years ago
My school does a free peer tutoring thing and half the time the people who sign up for tutoring don't even show up.