Seriously, 2016 is a shit show... but really, I'm thinking like 1939 - 45 was probably worse.
· 8 years ago
Yeah a lot of people have been ungreatful. Like I am one of those "omg 2016 sucks" but then I kinda think. Ya know what, America has had a black president for 8 years. America would have lynched that man like 60- years ago. One of my favourite artists is black. The world mourned the death of a black, muslim boxer. We kinda have it great compared to anyone else
2016 is happening now. If anyone stops and thinks, they would probably agree that bad things happened in the past that are much worse than today. But people tend to think in the moment too much. It's also hard for a lot of people to relate to a time they weren't alive for or an event that doesn't directly effect them
· 8 years ago
That's true. But it doesn't have to be relatable for me to understand that only 20 years ago black people in my country were arrested for being black and on the streets past 8pm. And now I can go out with my black friends to a club that is majority black owned by a black man. No backlash. We have fun.