About the number: they're not all direct assassination attempts (although those did occur, most famously the exploding cigar), but the number that Fidel's security has claimed the CIA was at least partially involved in.
He did some bad things, yes. But his intentions were pure.
· 8 years ago
He saved his people. Two Cubans recently moved into my town, they say they didn't "love" castro. But they said they feel as if he was a better future than their other choices.
Isuck479 they didn't know any better...because of him! Most cubans hate him
· 8 years ago
The cubans I know don't. And that's a lie. Most Cubans love him. The entire country is mourning his death. The streets are empty. The cubans in my town say they worry that crony capitalism will take over. They told us he did a LOT of bad but he sorta made up for it. They are both well trained doctors and immediatly got jobs when they came here.
Isuck ... they were forced to mourn. Believe me... I am sure I know WAY more cubans than you. And I know forba fact they a forced to nourn and to show love for him
Cuba has good doctors (not all) but the good ones are very good. But people become grat doctors and arhletes to be able to eat and eventually leave the country. Believe me.... I am venezuelan from a cuban family. I have seen communism in many forms ...
yousuck479 ,STFU, if you were not part of it, you even don't have right to speak about it. You wouldn't recognize a russian school dictator if he bit you on the ass. It's not that they're forcing them @itsamemaria, it's more of "they don't know any better", and it has nothing with leaving communism even,the children of it that lead us now,know that we're used to living that way,so they continue it under another name,but same shit(same crap different packing as they say here) and they're still in trance whenever their leaders speak(22h/day) and i still get 120$ salary, and eat bread and powder pepper and "shower" with teapot and buy 5th hand clothes for 50 cents. "I'm very proud i fucked the west up!" Good for me.
From what I know and have seen/ experienced, some don't know any better, some are forced. (I know people close to me were forced to arrend rallys in support of Chavez or they will lose their job. And is not like you can get another one) and tgat comes from Cuba's regime. But also like you said the culture. In cuba too many people were born under the eegine.
@isuck479 I am talking fron experience. you know a couple of cubans and maybe own a Che t-shirt and talk like you are an expert ... and we are the ones that eat propaganda? Try to open your mind when soneone is trying to do that for you. I am just trying to open your eyes. My cuban inmigrant family tried to warn venezuelans and they reacted like you do. And now venezuela is not only same as cuba but maybe worse
· 8 years ago
Yall acting as if I am defending castro. It's a trump situation here. And no i don't own a che shirt, the dude was a vile man and racist. What propaganda have I sported?
"His intentions were pure" if his intentions were yo starve his people then yeah they were
"Most cubans lobe him" = propaganda and/or brain washing North Korea style
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
So many people supported the revolution. Like I said his intentions were pure. His actions were not.
Yes. at that point they were fooled by what he was saying (not really the same as intentions) many feel for it. but at this point if peopke don't know history they will repeat it. which is what happened in Venezuela. They never cared to learn the truth about Cuba and now, sadly, they are living it. there was less information in the 50's but still some educated peoole knew what Castro was really about. In these times the are no valid excuses imo
Really? "Arguably?" so, taking power through a revolution to then not allow a system that changes presidents for over 40 yrs and passing the torch to your brother because you are dying is not a dictator!!!???
The best line i saw on the internet was - He died according with his wishes,of old age ... good for him...he saw communism failing big all over the world. R.I.Pieces. Asta la vista por siempre .
@isuck479 I am talking fron experience. you know a couple of cubans and maybe own a Che t-shirt and talk like you are an expert ... and we are the ones that eat propaganda? Try to open your mind when soneone is trying to do that for you. I am just trying to open your eyes. My cuban inmigrant family tried to warn venezuelans and they reacted like you do. And now venezuela is not only same as cuba but maybe worse
"Most cubans lobe him" = propaganda and/or brain washing North Korea style