It was the tweet saying they got them in on election day. Magazines print two copies of the same magazine for each candidate
· 8 years ago
actually this is where it got fun. they designed both copies, but only printed the hillary ones. they had to request back the hillary ones and then print the trump ones. they blamed the printing company that called it a "business decision".
To be fair, it makes sense. Nobody really thought he was going to win. It may not have been the wisest business decision to only have one of the two issues printed but it makes sense why they did that.
To be fair, half the goddamn country thought he would win. If all your media outlets told you he had no chance, you were watching fake news.
· 8 years ago
that was the problem. the media outlets knew he had a strong chance, they just refused to believe it. when viewing the actual data of the polls you can see they over sampled women and democrats to show hillary winning. they knew they did this, so you know they knew a non-adjusted poll would show trump in the lead. i saw one where they had hillary only winning by 5%, yet over sampled democrats by somewhere around 53%.
Personally, I exercised my right not to vote. I watched the presidential debates but otherwise didn't look to closely at the presidential election or local elections. I'm busy with school and two jobs. However no matter which way I would have voted, the state I live in is a guaranteed red state. I personally wasn't a big fan of either candidate and I'd rather not bite the bullet and vote against my beliefs either way. I didn't vote, so I don't have a leg to stand on if I wanted to complain.
· 8 years ago
i did the same in 08. i heard obama and looked into him, he just seemed too inept. i was excited for a minority president, but he didn't seem to understand what was going on in practicality. i was afraid mcain would have a stroke and die and we'd be left with palin. so i opted to sit it out. ironically i wanted hillary in 08. she went down hill since then, somethings i ignored, some i didn't know. all around she had to much baggage this time around. if it wasn't an all out attack on Trump i'd think people would have voted for him in greater numbers. it is just if you took no effort beyond the news on TV and yahoo, you were in an echo chamber of lies and attacks. this was a brutal election, never seen anything like it. to the people who were paying attention, it was transparently so. as i said in '00, '04, '08 and '12 (my vote never won b4) "he is my president and i hope he does well" i hope everyone else will say the same. it is your country why would you want it to fail?