Something like this just might make vampires cool again.
· 8 years ago
vampires should be coming back. strange fact. zombies are popular during democratic presidencies, but vampires are more popular during republican presidencies.
Or actual natural romance that doesn't cloud the whole thing like "look at me, im a vampire, I'm sexy, i can fuck anything i want" it should be "look i am evil vampire lord of darkness killing these pathetic mortals in their idiotic war but i also gave a family and country i miss and shit and I'd like to return to them safe *slips in possible sexy scene with vamp lord banging his wife"
This would be great in theory, except vampires die in sunlight and need to feed. It would be pretty tough to hide the fact you only go out at night and literally eat the enemy (good luck finding a deer to chase down on the front line). This would work best with just an immortal, like if they did it about Wolverine or something