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· 8 years ago
Once while at Walmart my husband was cashing his check and I decid to take our daughter to the bathroom. We get there and I see the family bathroom has a sign saying it is broken. Now right beside it is a "girl". I say "girl" because she is a girl but was obviously was not always one. She seemed to be in her early 20s. She looked worried and was bouncing back and forth looking at the boy and girl bathrooms. I asked if she was ok she said "yes I just need to go to the bathroom pretty badly but..." then she stumbbled around her words and I knew than that she didn't know where to go or where she SHOULD go. So I asked her where do you want to go. She said well I want to go to the girls but I betted not. I said hold on. I sent my kid in the bathroom to look around no one was in there. I told her go in and I will stay as look out. She gave me a quick hug thankyou and ran in. She was in and out in a minute or two. When she came out she gave me a bigger hug and said thank you a ton of times.
· 8 years ago
It's illegal in South Africa, so mo the choice wasn't theirs.
· 8 years ago
What's illegal in south Africa...?
· 8 years ago
Going into any bathroom of your choice even if your trans