Tune in this Friday as Barry and Joe say goodbye and head off into the great unknown in a special two-hour episode of Obama. Then stick around for the premier of the spin-off, Trump! (Warning: Trump is rated TVMA, for inappropriate language and water sports.)
· 8 years ago
Water sports
best joke of today
· 8 years ago
Ended 1 war and fueled 3 others. Kept good public appearances tho.
Shh, you can't say things like that on the Internet! Progressive liberals don't appreciate differing opinions! (Ironically enough...) Take this down before you offend someone!
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
it is like having a pyro friend. they set things on fire and you have to follow after them to make sure your house doesn't burn down. i am so glad to see these people go. this country has been falling apart. i can't wait to see if Trump fixes anything. why are the ignorant masses constantly wanting to choose the same people to fix the problems that never fixed it the term before? i had hopes. his first term i said i hope he get us out of war or fix the economy, i don't expect both in the first term. he did neither. in his second term he still did neither. for 8 years he has been blaming bush, and where he was a failure too, after the first 4 years you lose the ability to blame him, you can only blame the person that held office the prior election, and that was you. we have the worse race relations since before the civil rights movement. how is that with a black president for 8 years?
best joke of today