Ok I am going to tell yall this because it is just to funny but keep in mind my husband is a sweet idiot. He didn't mean to offend anyone and the woman he said it to laughed and she is good friends with him.
Ok so my husband was at work talking to this woman he works with. She is gay, and they was talking. He told her I how he was brought up to think gay people were bad due to a dictator of a grandfather who is a preacher but since he met me his wife I showed him that there is nothing wrong with being gay. So she askes what religion. He said babtist and she goes OK lol I understand. So he askes if she gows to church and what religion. She said yes and Catholic and his eyes widen. She said what lol he says and they haven't kicked you out yet?
She told him jokingly well i guess they still don't know even though my gf and I go there as a couple.
Ofcourse he laughed and said sorry she said it was ok it was funny.
He came home told me what happen and I could not stop laughing.
Lol aww ty I love being known for being the story teller. Lmao
And they are all true I never lie or exaggerate because I have a HUGE family lol if you notice in my stories, so I never know if one will notice me online somewhere. So if I lie I will be called out by my whole family lol
this is interesting. The fact is, (looking through a Christian worldview) is that there are a lot of Christians out there that get really comfortable in their sin. A lot of people that claim to be Christians attack gay people because it's easy, and its the cultural norm, but many "Christians" (in my school for example) are totally okay with drinking, premarital sex, even something like being prideful or gossiping is sin. its all sin. sin leads to death, and almost every human ever (excluding Jesus) is sinful, was born into sin, and deserves death for it. the sometimes overlooked part of this story though, which even many churched don't tend to mention enough, is that God sent Jesus to die and stand in our place for the punishment we deserve. if we accept the gift, we are looked at by God as innocent and we are not subject to the consequences of sin anymore. another part is also that you can't hold people who don't believe to a Christian standard so the focus is totally off. the gospel.
· 8 years ago
.. is the main thing. as Christians we should spend WAY less time crusading against people living in sin, and express the Gospel to them. that should be our main priority, way above any other (great commission) (Matthew 28:16-20). i apologize if i interrupted anyones fun substance viewing with something a little deeper and more serious.
^ minecraftninjanerd, you've got it right. Although homosexuality is a sin and many will unfortunately burn for it, so too will a christian with a hateful, improper heart.
It's not about what you do, it's about whether you have Believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and accept it.
Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
· 8 years ago
Although you are right Christians should look at all of Christs teachings and live out the lifestyle after they are saved
Romans 10:9 is one of the most commonly misinterpreted verses in the bible. Simply calling upon the name of Christ, etc, will NOT save someone's soul. The belief that it does completely violates the entire concept and purpose of baptism. Read Mark 15, as well as Romans 5 and 6, friend. :) Baptism spiritually puts the "old man of sin" (your previous life) to death, and you rise out of the waters of baptism, you're reborn, a new creature, in Christ Jesus, clean and clear of your previous life (sins).
Ok so my husband was at work talking to this woman he works with. She is gay, and they was talking. He told her I how he was brought up to think gay people were bad due to a dictator of a grandfather who is a preacher but since he met me his wife I showed him that there is nothing wrong with being gay. So she askes what religion. He said babtist and she goes OK lol I understand. So he askes if she gows to church and what religion. She said yes and Catholic and his eyes widen. She said what lol he says and they haven't kicked you out yet?
She told him jokingly well i guess they still don't know even though my gf and I go there as a couple.
Ofcourse he laughed and said sorry she said it was ok it was funny.
He came home told me what happen and I could not stop laughing.
And they are all true I never lie or exaggerate because I have a HUGE family lol if you notice in my stories, so I never know if one will notice me online somewhere. So if I lie I will be called out by my whole family lol
Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.