Writers can be found in all classes, really. There are writers who are poor because they put everything into pursuing their writing career and haven't been able to publish anything good yet, there are average writers who are hardly known but still have a fair amount of money and there are our famous fandom writers who are swimming in cash.
i am sure this was just random BS they posted, you know, like what people post on twitter. they were not complaining, just saying. are you people so jealous of others that you have to constantly make fun of them to increase your ego? wow the bullied, now became the bully.
yes, i am "triggered" by how you people are posting about depression all the time, how you people are hunting down people to make fun of, are glorifying drug addictions and some how feel that you have a right to bully people around you strictly for their skin color, their sexual preference, their gender or anything else that is your flavor of the month. we had a whole campaign to stop bullying. you know what grew from it? we now bully the people who we called the bullies. apparently it is ok as long as they are the majority. you people did a 180 and viewed from the people outside of the bubble it is ridiculous.
What is with that link? What's the problem? That someone called these two people ugly?
How are "you" people so fucking desperate to feel victimized? "You"'re actually way more pathetic than the people in the pics. And the best is: you're waiting and waiting and hoping and praying to be called that one thing. And nobody even does is and still you're triggered.
· 8 years ago
i am seeing a downward spiral right now. we are on a bad path and it is obvious how it is happening, i just don't think people are seeing it. anti-bully grew SJW. this lead to the attack at first sight mentality where these people bully by authority. they bully the ones that are the majority somehow feeling this would cause equality. what they don't see is that they became the bully, that they are not trying for equality they are for give more to the assumed less privileged. it is funny. they feel that women are weak and need protection, they assume blacks are dumb and need assistance, they assume mental illness should be held with great honor. these people, in some channels, are trying to support pedophilia as a sexual preference. it is disgusting.
· 8 years ago
we are also face a new enemy. this is the anti-SJW. we are just now seeing people who are trying to trigger SJW by joking about being racist and other horrible mentalities. soon the right will go the way of the left and will start to become the enemy. i just don't know how to raise awareness that the right needs to stop trying to be anti-SJW and just let them fall apart. soon we are going to have the issue of becoming what the left has called us. ok, i know all this was kinda random, but i need some other thoughts on this. i am afraid that things are going to go crazy. i am already seeing people changing personality into the things they are jokingly portraying. memes are starting to become the problem. it is turning into a tool of harassment rather than enjoyment. it is influencing people to become what they hated. all because it is "funny" to bully. we need to turn our selves around and wake up to what we are doing.
This is just the beginning for the right. They have all the power now to to things their way. Two problems there: 1) they have no fucking clue what to do other than screw the poor and weak, and 2) they can't blame the left for everything now any more. It will be all left to them. And quit the fucking whining. " soon we are going to have the issue of becoming what the left has called us. "?? Really? The left has started a war of words and fucked up all remains of decent behavior in the net? Oh gimme a break. The right will call you a PC fag for this, You want to see people reaching hands over the trench? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuSDfVRGI54. Listen to what he says about her.
The problem I see is now instead of attacking somebody's arguments people now just attack the person with threats and name calling. Yourself included @funsubstanceuser
Shit mate stop roasting the poor boy so hard, he won't survive
· 8 years ago
the people who have been holding down the weak has primarily been the left. instead of producing opportunities and drive, they have been producing reliance on the government. effectively enslaving nearly half the country. they keep voting dem because they fear their "give-a-way" would go away, because they know nothing else. obama has been blaming bush for 8 YEARS. we don't need to live in the past. we need to move forward. yes the left is the creator of many memes. many are high school and college students. many do nothing but be on the computer and spread filth, the others, not online, are on the streets rioting spreading filth they were indoctrinated in the idiocy that is the left.
· 8 years ago
look at soviet russia's propaganda plans, that is why the left has gotten so bad. they got them when they were young. the most divisive would be obama, it is clear with his constant obsession of creating racebating statements. we haven't been this so divided in decades. he has caused a huge mess and the left voted for him twice. we had hope, he shattered it. he said change and now we have division and riots in the streets. watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA this is what the left has done, and this is why the left can't wake up. they were brain-washed since birth and willfully ignores facts.
"The problem I see is now instead of attacking somebody's arguments people now just attack the person with threats and name calling. " - Ok, let me call you a name: fucking hypocrit. It was clearly the right side that started ignoring facts and arguments as a strategy; who came up with obvious, blatant lies and fought any kind of decency as excessive pc. And they made the godfather of lies and insults their presidential candidate. And voted for him. But I guess the left learned their lesson and will copy that now by constantly calling Trump a piss fetish who is blackmailed to be Putins spy and wants to fuck his own daughter. For a start. Who gives a fuck if there's anything to back this up, the alt-right set the pace, and as I said, this is only the beginning. The alt-left will do exactly as Pepe does. And this is on you guys. Quit the fucking whining and smell the shit flying your way. Too late to whimper for mercy. You had it coming.
· 8 years ago
the left was lying and misleading you this whole presidency and you were so lost in the brainwashing you believed them. now they are still doing it, and you think it is new? thinking it was the right that started it? you are so lost it is saddening. i mean you are going as far as hoping he fails, that he messing up. all so you can say "i told you so" have you ever thought of what it would mean if he failed, that you could be affected? i hated obama, twice. he was far to ignorant and blind to do the job. did i wish he failed? no. i wished him well, i had hopes. i thought something good might come out of it. i looked, i waited. he failed me. he was voted the second time, a complete failure. i once again wished him luck, he failed me again. Trump isn't even in office and you people acted like he failed you. give him a chance.
Identity politics was invented by and perfected by the left. You are doing it now. I think the right is done allowing you to define who we are and what we believe and to begin calling the left out for hypocracy and prejudice.
Oh, Pokey learned a new word on Breitbart. Atta boy. And Drazil keeps up the victimized cyring. Boohoo... you gotta give him a chance, like I did with Obbamma. Yea. right. Fucking liar.
As I said: you had it coming, and you haven't even seen the beginning.
Not a Breitbart guy. Which word? Why again should we care what you think?
· 8 years ago
pokethebear, i think he lost all his material and has resulted to strictly insults. he is just throwing them out hoping they will stick, even though it doesn't fit.
· 8 years ago
Just shows how different the west's definition of middle class is. An ipad? That's rich people talk here.
Peeling a pomegranate is fuckin easy. Just break it in quarters, get a big bowl of water, submerge the quarters and just peel off the fleshy part and roll the seed part around in your hands. The seeds will come off easily and sink to the bottom, but the fleshy parts will rise to the top of the water. It normally takes me, like, 5 minutes because of this.
Hmmm... is anyone here trying to make this a race thing?
Well, there's a lot more poor white people than rich people of any color. Up to now it worked to incite them against minorities, cause even most poor white people had more to loose than most minority members. But this has changed.
How are "you" people so fucking desperate to feel victimized? "You"'re actually way more pathetic than the people in the pics. And the best is: you're waiting and waiting and hoping and praying to be called that one thing. And nobody even does is and still you're triggered.
As I said: you had it coming, and you haven't even seen the beginning.
Well, there's a lot more poor white people than rich people of any color. Up to now it worked to incite them against minorities, cause even most poor white people had more to loose than most minority members. But this has changed.