My color blindness os only towards yellow and is starting to add blue. I might be completely color blind by the time im 50. Yellow becomes either white, orange, or green. Blue becomes purple, black, or green.
No im fine the doctor says it is due not to my eyes but my brain how it sees the colors. The older I get the harder it is to separate one base color from another. It has something to do with the type of dyslexia I have. It doesn't happen to everyone with dyslexia in fact it is really rare. They say red will probably be next.
I have dyslexia (although low on the spectrum) but I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you find a solution soon, at least you have a doctor to help you through it
· 8 years ago
What's the difference between protanopia and deuteranomalia again? I know that i have protanopia but i'm not sure how it differs
Well to me the deuteranomalia one looks like the normal vision but slightly less saturated. And pronatopia only shows blues and yellows
Sorry if i don't make sense
I mean we all see colours differently anyway but the dark green turned grey, the pink is now a light grey and so is the red. That's what my eyeballs see
Or maybe your monitor color settings are shit. Try a calibration (try something like "neutral setting") and watch it again. This isn't exactly an accurate medical test scenario.
Sorry if i don't make sense
Well, crap.
Let's go with gray and black instead. Fifty shades of grey.