Why was I downvoted? Literally just look up "trump voters regret" on Google and you will see about 13 articles talking about trump voters voting as a joke, etc.
Wtf? How has this become so complicated? I simply posted your comment you stated idiots are fond of him which would lead one to believe that you do not like him, hopefully you're following me so far. If you are the one who does not like him then yes you would obviously be a butthurt b**** by throwing in your two cents and leaving a negative comment stating the only idiots like Trump...
Also you stated .....-------> I am not one to judge my intelligence<------- these are your words what is in between the arrows.... if anyone is going to have a good idea of how intelligent you are it would be you... unless you've been tested and everybody has a different opinion about intelligence test...
If you read the stories of people who have interacted directly with him, they all said he was polite and softly spoken and gave a good first impression.
· 8 years ago
So many fucking idiots speaking on behalf of why people voted for trump. No people voted for trump because for the past 8 years america has become more like an enemy than a friend. It was actually a long ass bush term if i can be frank. Obama and bush share so many qualities when it comes to making decisions it isnt funny.
people hate Pence because he is ok with allowing people to get government assistance to go through therapy if they request it. i know horrible isn't it.
Not therapy for those who are depressed or in need of counselling, but for those who are gay and are led to believe that this will help "fix" them or forced by their parents to go through it.
so you think someone who isn't comfortable in their sexuality have no right to fix it? sounds kinda bigoted to me. this is for people who seek help. why can't we help them. they'd still do it regardless. just like abortion. they will find other people who will. this is just government money set aside to help those in need. where was lefts outrage for the person getting sex change in prison on the tax dollar then? it is the same thing. except one isn't mutilating their genitals and having irreversal consequences
· 8 years ago
Fix what? What are you fixing? The fact that you don't want to accept your born sex or what?
(so you think someone who isn't comfortable in their sexuality have no right to fix it )... if they ain't got the money and the taxpayer has to ,...FUCK NO ! How retarded are you.. then you want to call somebody bigoted wow you pretentious cunt. How do you feel. about giving your money to something you don't condone..?.. Really?.... pretty fucking please I have to hear you try to explain this clusterfuck...
Then ....(why can't we help them) there are people who are FUCKING HUNGRY... they just want some fucking food... WTF! Before we waste a single Cent on some Buckhead who has a mental disease let's try to address the the issues that really matter
The problem is having the facilities to try to "convert" those who are gay. There's little evidence to support it working, other than causing a bad case of repression and sexual aversion. Moreover, children are at the whims of their parents. They cannot make their own medical decisions, and if their parents decide they need to be "fixed", they have no say and will be forced into having treatment that they don't need and won't work.
· 8 years ago
damnit guys i am trying to throw their ideology back at them and you are making it really hard. pence isn't a bad guy, they feel he is due to the fact he was willing to let people go through therapy to become straight. Milo Yiannopoulos who is gay said that if there was a magic pill to make him straight he would take it. some people would like to be straight, but they are gay. somehow this is looked down on. but if someone wants to mutilate their genitals that is acceptable. if someone wants to blind themselves because they identify as a disabled person that is acceptable. letting people become straight shouldn't be looked down upon. hormone therapy works. there are even pills proven to help people who want sex changes to feel comfortable in their own body, but it is considered taboo so we don't put proper study into it.
· 8 years ago
all that aside, least we have dialog here. geluregis. hormone therapy has been proven to work. do you find it acceptable for parents to convince their kids that they are transgender just because the kid played with a barbie? then furthering this delusion and push them to have sex change operation before they hit puberty? or that there is so much social pressure for people to identify and things even as absurd as a toaster? maybe we should look into homosexuality and transgender as a mental illness and give people who seek help, the help they need. if you like being gay, good. if you don't let us study the concept and see if we can make a magic pill. it shouldn't be more acceptable to change someones body permanently, but not ok to give them hormones to try to fix a chemical imbalance.
Hormone therapy is something else entirely. When has it been proven to work, in terms of homosexuality? And is there any source other than Milo Yiannopoulos?
· 8 years ago
see this is where it is hard to get information. because it is considered taboo and career ending to do research into it. we don't have enough studies. i ran into things before but they are out dated. i ran into studies that claimed that homosexual males tend to have lower testosterone. one study i read stated testosterone suppliants helped gay men. now i am not going to say these studies are not out dated, but they apparently proved beneficial. we need to not see it as such a bad thing. if there are people willing to go into the study, why can't we try to figure it out? seriously, when there are links to suicide and post-op trans, maybe we should look into alternatives. if a gay individual wants to be straight, why can't we help them. this is to help people who want it. that is all it is. we need to get out of this bubble. it shouldn't be looked as a grotesque thing to want to help a gay man straight. honestly though, i think shock therapy is ridiculous. i'm talking science not tortur
· 8 years ago
I love how a simple post creates a huge shit fest in the comments
If people actually like him, they're few and far between
Makes sense.
So, question, how does anyone support either of these guys? Both suck, but Donald is more upfront, and Hillary is more... Sneaky.
(PS: This is Dr_Richard_Ew. I ran out of comments :P)
Idiots are fond of him
I believe you are on the list .
I can double check.
Also this is my last guest comment, so Toodle ooo!
Dumb people say that type stuff ... intelligence is a abstract concept lmao
I'm sorry i really do try and understand this new movement but it bothers me
. Don't apologize ..