don't downvote me!!!1111!1!!, just look at the comments I've written and tell me I don't have cancer!!1111!1111!1 (by the way idiots I'm joking, it's not that hard to tell)
The concern over GMOs isn't just the plant itself, though. Some fear that irresponsible companies like Monsanto genetically modify their crops to be more resistant to pesticides, so now you have a GMO crop with a bunch of chemicals all over it with the purpose of killing organisms. That's where the fear comes from.
Ah so nice to see you again @funsubstanceuser. I've missed your rapier-like wit and our completely substantive debates.
@grimreaper I've got an issue with Bill putting politics before science in nearly everything he does and says, but that's not why I posted here. I actually was just feeling like trolling. If OP had used Trump or Mr Wizard or practically anyone else I probably would have still said that.
over exaggeration i know, but Mr. Wizard was better. nye's shows were a joke and if it wasn't for it getting kids out of class for that day, i don't think anyone would remember them fondly. it was like sesame street, lots of funny noises and bright colors to pacify the children.
I'd have to disagree. Beakman's world was more of a gag show with a little science Bill Nye did a good job explaining things in a way younger audiences can understand. Mr wizard was like a science teacher that had his own show
@drazil for the win! Nye's politics aside I gotta go with Mr Wizard just on entertainment value alone. Back in the day Don Herbert was your typical dorky science teacher, but he was still cool without trying. I always thought Bill Nye tried too hard to be cool and just never got it. I'm talking the early days here when he was just another science TV show host. It wasn't until (relatively) recently Nye started playing leftist politics and the social media kids discovered him crawling all over the interwebs.
His stands on everything from climate change to evolution are rigidly liberal, but my biggest problem with him is he is condescending, dismissive, and downright nasty toward anyone who dares have a different opinion than his. He is as closed minded and every bit as zealous about the entrenched dogma of today's pseudoscientific theories as any religious extremist.
True science is never "settled"; a real researcher works under the premise of "research suggests" or "theory states", but Nye and others tend to be more "this is an absolute fact and if you disagree you are simply too stupid to understand". How far advanced could we be right now if arrogant and closed minded fools hadn't ruled during the dark ages? It is impossible to ever know all there is to know, and when we buy into the notion that we already do and refuse to accept any possibilitywe may not be 100% correct, scientific and technological advancements are severely hindered.
You sound like a pathetic stereotype Joe Sixpack who believes his random, half-informed google-sourced opinion is worth as much as what some dorky bow-tied nerd says and demands to be respected for his oblivious ignorance; getting all butthurt and whiny when someone can't keep a sassy laugh to himself. Boo-fucking-hoo. Hooray for the internet where you can solidarize with like-minded little Pepes. Someone like Bill Nye (or Neil deGrasse Tyson for that matter, I bet you're quite "sceptical" of him too) gets a real high when someone shows them where they're wrong. The fact that you don't even consider this shows that you have no fucking clue of how science works, and you haven't even grasped the very fucking meme you're commenting. Way to go to lead us out of the dark ages. Croak, croak...
· 8 years ago
I'd agree with you most times but not now. Now you're just being an asshole @funsubstanceuser
Yea, his "explanation" is that Bill Nye thinks he knows all there is to know. This is beyond pathetic.
If you agree with me most times, @grimreaper, you must have misunderstood me mostly, cause I think you're a redneck twat.
· 8 years ago
I am a country twat. If you're gonna insult me, at least insult me right.
No, I'm a country boy myself, so I beg to differ.
And as such I probably don't really get the sophistication of resorting to mommy arguments. Next will be some genitalia references?
And just as a reminder: the reason you have something against Bill Nye is that you believe he thinks he knows all there is to know? How substantial.
Yes the fact that he is arrogant and nasty to anyone who disagrees with him is a very "substantial" reason to dislike him. How astute of you.
Of course, you have the very same attitude in your comments so you appear to have a "substantial" reason to like him.
"Yes the fact that he is arrogant and nasty to anyone who disagrees with him is a very "substantial" reason to dislike him." - well that's not your main argument, that's just the attempt to give it some substance at all, by pointing out he's not a good winner. Your real problem is when he's right and you're not.
Your whining about "the entrenched dogma of today's pseudoscientific theories " and your super pathetic closing argument "It is impossible to ever know all there is to know, and when we buy into the notion that we already do and refuse to accept any possibilitywe (sic) may not be 100% correct, scientific and technological advancements are severely hindered." show exactly where you're coming from, and it's not his sassy ways. Only people on the wrong side can't live with the fact that there's right and there's wrong.
Are you high or retarded?
You are assuming to know my thoughts and opinions better than I. You are assuming my true reasons for slandering your prophet.
You are assuming that anyone who dares blaspheme your religion (let's call it Nye-hilism!) does so simply because they are too stupid to comprehend the brilliance of Bill.
Cutting and pasting my text is irrelevant here.
I'm pretty much always high, and who knows if I'm mentally underdeveloped? How would I tell if I was, isn't that some sort of Catch 22? Also I should mention that I think Bill Nye is very un-amusing and has a pretty creepy aura. Like that scoutmaster who is just way too old, and you'd not be that surprised if they took him away for molestation. But what has all that got to do with me questioning your motivations and priorities? If this is triggering you, maybe don't fucking post here? Build yourself a safe space and start a blog.
@grimreaper I've got an issue with Bill putting politics before science in nearly everything he does and says, but that's not why I posted here. I actually was just feeling like trolling. If OP had used Trump or Mr Wizard or practically anyone else I probably would have still said that.
True science is never "settled"; a real researcher works under the premise of "research suggests" or "theory states", but Nye and others tend to be more "this is an absolute fact and if you disagree you are simply too stupid to understand". How far advanced could we be right now if arrogant and closed minded fools hadn't ruled during the dark ages? It is impossible to ever know all there is to know, and when we buy into the notion that we already do and refuse to accept any possibilitywe may not be 100% correct, scientific and technological advancements are severely hindered.
*Takes bow*
Don't forget to tip your waitress.
If you agree with me most times, @grimreaper, you must have misunderstood me mostly, cause I think you're a redneck twat.
And as such I probably don't really get the sophistication of resorting to mommy arguments. Next will be some genitalia references?
And just as a reminder: the reason you have something against Bill Nye is that you believe he thinks he knows all there is to know? How substantial.
Of course, you have the very same attitude in your comments so you appear to have a "substantial" reason to like him.
Your whining about "the entrenched dogma of today's pseudoscientific theories " and your super pathetic closing argument "It is impossible to ever know all there is to know, and when we buy into the notion that we already do and refuse to accept any possibilitywe (sic) may not be 100% correct, scientific and technological advancements are severely hindered." show exactly where you're coming from, and it's not his sassy ways. Only people on the wrong side can't live with the fact that there's right and there's wrong.
You are assuming to know my thoughts and opinions better than I. You are assuming my true reasons for slandering your prophet.
You are assuming that anyone who dares blaspheme your religion (let's call it Nye-hilism!) does so simply because they are too stupid to comprehend the brilliance of Bill.
Cutting and pasting my text is irrelevant here.