*waiting for someone to take this as an attack of the LGBT community instead of a joke like it is*
· 8 years ago
Why would the lgbt community care? It's attacking the stupid people on tumblr that want to be special fucking snowflakes with their bullshit genders. Not us.
This is soo 2015, it's only 125 special snowflakes left, offending brazillions of indignant, insecure straights who press their buttocks together so tight, they'd turn a piece of coal in between into a diamond in a few hours.
I know this is going to get downvoted into oblivion, but I don't know why people get bent out of joint when people identify as nonbinary? Before you scream at me, I'm not some crazed sjw that identifies as three genders and a plant. I think it's bullshit too, but most nonbinary people are like 13 and are going to cringe at the memory of being whatever nonbinary thing they identified as.
oops, true, that makes sense. Although, most men's shirts fit just fine on a girl, but I understand why it would be uncomfortable for a guy to wear a shirt designed for a female body.