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· 7 years ago
I mean, yeah. You get the people who expect you to read their minds or wait for their 30 minute long conversation to trump all the ready customers behind them.
· 7 years ago
If I am behind you at subway and you tell them to wait because your on the phone, you dont have to worry about the subway person being rude to you.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I've been there too.
· 7 years ago
I worked at a movie theater when I was younger. Anytime someone was on a cellphone and told me to wait to take their order at the concession stand, I asked them to stand aside and I would help the next person in line. I don't have time to deal with that B.S.
· 7 years ago
If you're on the phone trying to get someones order though I think you need to chill. I've had to call my mom in line and ask what she wanted and tell them. Calm down. If you're just talking though why can't you tell them your order and continue the cellphone conversation? I've never seen anyone actually hold up a line for talking to someone because they were waiting for them to finish.
· 7 years ago
It's happened. If the person says I'm getting someone's order, that's fine. Usually those people will step out of the line on their own and let someone go ahead of them anyway. But I have had someone literally put up their finger to me to ask me to wait while they carry on a conversation that has nothing to do with the food. And we were crazy busy at the time. I needed to keep the line moving.
· 7 years ago
@shepard530 then they are just dicks.