"But if someone is genuinely exceptional-"
"This is not about you, Bob. This is about Dash."
"You want to do something for Dash? Then let him actually compete! Let him go out for sports!"
"I will not be made the enemy here! You know why we can't do that!"
"Sit down Bob. I'm not happy, Bob. Not. Happy. Ask me why."
"Okay. Why?"
"Why what? Be specific, Bob."
"Why are you unhappy?"
"Your customers make me unhappy."
"What, you've gotten complaints?"
"Complaints, I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings! They're experts! Experts, Bob! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!"
"Did I do something illegal?"
"Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers?"
"The law requires that I answer, 'No.'"
"We're supposed to help OUR people! Starting with our stockholders, Bob! Who's helping them out, huh?"
"Now, a clock needs to be clean, well lubricated, and wound tight. The best clocks have jewel movements, cogs that fit, that cooperate by design. I'm being metaphorical, Bob. You know what I mean by cooperative cogs? Bob? Bob. Look at me when I'm talking to you, Parr!"
· 8 years ago
"HE is getting mugged!"
"Well let's hope we don't cover him!"
"I'll be right back."
"Stop right now, or you're fired!"
"This is not about you, Bob. This is about Dash."
"You want to do something for Dash? Then let him actually compete! Let him go out for sports!"
"I will not be made the enemy here! You know why we can't do that!"
"Okay. Why?"
"Why what? Be specific, Bob."
"Why are you unhappy?"
"Your customers make me unhappy."
"What, you've gotten complaints?"
"Complaints, I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings! They're experts! Experts, Bob! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!"
"Did I do something illegal?"
"Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers?"
"The law requires that I answer, 'No.'"
"We're supposed to help OUR people! Starting with our stockholders, Bob! Who's helping them out, huh?"
"...is like an enormous clock."
"...is like an enormous... yes! Precisely! And aaaall the little cogs mesh together!"
"Well let's hope we don't cover him!"
"I'll be right back."
"Stop right now, or you're fired!"
"He got away."
"Good thing, too. Heh. You were this close to losing your jo--"