Shit Frollo burned and slaughtered Gypsies by the dozen just to find Esmerelda. Then he burned her because she denied his advances. He has THE BEST song in Disney history. Hellfire is so dark and it's just full of psychological shit
I loved it so much as a kid because I didn't know what lust was as a kid and so it really made me curious about what he was feeling because I knew it wasn't love. Even now I get the chills because it isn't normal lust.... it's really fucked up religious mental illness lust that destroys the victims and creates serial killers
· 8 years ago
Well, he definitely luster after her, but his deep religious views really fucked him up. I could literally write the song line by line and break it the fuck down. It's so amazing and fucked up.
· 8 years ago
I'm still not quite sure how he managed to kill her with a boot to the head. Sure it'll hurt but it wasn't like he was wearing armoured greaves when he kicked her.
Okay hear me out
Hans may not be the villain. It's my fav film theory.
Basically, everything he did before revealing himself as the villain countered his intentions as a villain. If both sisters died he wouldn't have been eligible for the throne.
The trolls, on the other hand, are very manipulative. The old one can easily manipulate minds and they have a human man they adopted and raised. It would be good for them to have an inside man to influence the monarchy. They blatantly disregarded the fact that both Anna and Kristoff were protesting that she was engaged and tried to trick them into getting married.
TL:DR Hans brainwashed, trolls did brainwashing
I think I remember reading somewhere that originally Elsa was supposed to be evil but Let It Go was too inspirational so they made Hans the villain and that's why up until he left Anna to die he genuinely seemed to care for her
It depends on how you define worst:
Hans is the worst villain because he is too lame. The plot twist was also poorly executed
Frollo is the worst villain because he committed many crimes
Hans may not be the villain. It's my fav film theory.
Basically, everything he did before revealing himself as the villain countered his intentions as a villain. If both sisters died he wouldn't have been eligible for the throne.
The trolls, on the other hand, are very manipulative. The old one can easily manipulate minds and they have a human man they adopted and raised. It would be good for them to have an inside man to influence the monarchy. They blatantly disregarded the fact that both Anna and Kristoff were protesting that she was engaged and tried to trick them into getting married.
TL:DR Hans brainwashed, trolls did brainwashing
Hans is the worst villain because he is too lame. The plot twist was also poorly executed
Frollo is the worst villain because he committed many crimes
Ive just been lurking